"paling tinggi kes rogol, kelantan. paling tinggi kes dadah, kelantan. paling tinggi ibu tunggal, kelantan. paling tinggi pelacuran, kelantan" -SUHAIMI BABA.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Tanpa disedari Puteri Jacel Kiram telah menunjukkan bukti tuntutan keluarga Kiram tidak sah..Pada surat perjanjian diantara Sultan Mohammad Kiram dan North Borneo yang ditandatangani pada tahun 22 Januari 1878 menyatakan :-
Kesian Puteri Jacel, mungkin selepas ini dia akan dimaki hamun oleh ahli keluarganya sendiri kerana tanpa disedari Puteri Jacel Kiram telah menunjukkan bukti tuntutan keluarga Kiram itu tidak sah.
Pendedahan dokumen perjanjian pajakan tanah Sabah di antara Sultan Sulu dengan Syarikat Borneo Utara British melalui laman sosial Facebook itu telah menguatkan lagi fakta bahawa Sabah milik sah Malaysia, kata pakar.
Penganalisis politik, Prof. Madya Datuk Zainal Abidin Borhan berkata, perjanjian yang diterjemah daripada bahasa Arab ke bahasa Inggeris itu turut tertera perkataan "pajakan kekal" tanah Sabah kepada syarikat tersebut yang membawa erti kesultanan Sulu tidak boleh menuntut kembali Sabah.
Katanya, pada zaman dahulu, perjanjian-perjanjian pajakan tanah dibuat oleh British menggunakan ayat-ayat yang merujuk kepada kekal atau selamanya termasuk penggunaan ayat selagi ada bulan dan bintang.
"Sejarah sendiri telah menunjukkan bahawa Sabah dan Malaysia kini bukan lagi di bawah jajahan dan pemerintahan British".
"Pada 1963, penduduk-penduduk Sabah dan Sarawak telah memilih untuk menyertai Malaysia melalui referendum di bawah Suruhanjaya Cobbold 1963 dan penubuhan Malaysia telah pun berlaku pada 1963 secara rasminya. Tidak ada sesiapa, mahu pun kerajaan lain yang boleh membuat tuntutan".
Beliau diminta mengulas tindakan anak perempuan ketua pengganas Sulu, Jacel Kiram yang mendedahkan dokumen perjanjian di antara Sultan Sulu dengan Syarikat Borneo Utara British bertarikh 1878 melalui laman Facebook.
Perjanjian itu bertajuk Perjanjian Pajakan Sabah 1878 dengan isi kandungan utamanya: pemberian pajakan kekal oleh Sultan Sulu meliputi tanah dan wilayah Borneo bertarikh 22 Januari 1878.
Tambah Zainal Abidin, Jacel boleh mendedahkan seberapa banyak dokumen mengenai Sabah yang dikaitkan dengan kesultanan Sulu, namun tidak satu pun akan memihak kepada mereka.
Katanya, Sabah sudah rasmi hak negara ini sejak menyertai Malaysia pada 1963.
Sementara itu, Dekan Fakulti Ekologi Manusia Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Prof. Madya Dr. Zaid Ahmad berpendapat, perjanjian yang termetera di antara Syarikat Borneo Utara British dengan Sultan Sulu mengenai pajakan kekal tanah Sabah sudah lama berlalu dan tidak boleh diguna pakai lagi setelah Sabah menyertai Malaysia pada 1963.
Katanya, mana-mana pihak kini tidak boleh mempertikai penyertaan Sabah dan Sarawak di dalam Malaysia.
"Kesultanan Sulu sendiri tidak diiktiraf di negara mereka sendiri iaitu Filipina dan sekiranya di bawa ke Mahkamah Antarabangsa sekali pun, perkara ini tidak akan menjadi kes untuk dibicarakan," katanya.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Puluhan Ribu Rakyat Berhimpun Di Star Walk Alor Star
Puluhan Ribu Rakyat Berhimpun Di Star Walk Alor Star Hari Ini Bengang Dengan Salah Tadbir BN Semasa Memerintah Kedah Yang Kerugian RM403 Juta.
Hasil tangan Wang Yue yang sangat menarik
Wang Yue telah membawa senyuman kepada banyak pejalan kaki yang melihat lukisan kreatifnya pada lubang pokok. Kerja tangan gadis ini betul-betul mengagumkan:
Welthauptstadt Germania ("World Capital Germania") - Mujur juga tak bina, x comel langsung nazi's architecture
er liked Berlin. He saw it as a dirty, liberal-minded place and was disdainful of its leftist political leanings. But he had an idea for fixing it after World War II came to an end. His famous vision of Berlin for 1950 -- planned in detail by his architect, Albert Speer -- was a grand Fascist city called "Germania"
Welthauptstadt Germania ("World Capital Germania")
refers to the projected renewal of the German capital Berlin during the Nazi period, part of Adolf Hitler's vision for the future of Germany after the planned victory in World War II. Albert Speer, the "first architect of the Third Reich", produced many of the plans for the rebuilt city in his capacity as overseer of the project, only a small portion of which was realized between the years 1937-1943 when construction took place.
Some projects, such as the creation of a great East-West city axis, which included broadening Charlottenburger Chaussee (today Straße des 17. Juni) and placing the Berlin victory column in the center, far away from the Reichstag, where it originally stood, succeeded. Others, however, such as the creation of the Große Halle (Great Hall), had to be shelved owing to the beginning of war. A great number of the old buildings in many of the planned construction areas were however demolished before the war and eventually defeat stopped the plans.
The combined name "Welthauptstadt Germania" for the project was coined by Albert Speer in his 1969 memoirsInside the Third Reich. Although it was never used in any official capacity by the Nazi government nor even by Hitler himself, it has since become synomynous with the Nazi-era construction plan for Berlin, which was named the "Comprehensive Construction Plan for the Reich Capital" (German: Gesamtbauplan für die Reichshauptstadt).
According to Henry Picker's records of Hitler's Table Talk of 8 June 1942 Hitler toyed with the idea of renaming the renewed Berlin into 'Germania', in order to give a Greater Germanic world empire a clear central point:
The first step in these plans was the Olympic Stadium for the 1936 Summer Olympics. This stadium would promote the rise of the Nazi government. A much larger stadium capable of holding 400,000 spectators was planned alongside the Nazi parade grounds in Nuremberg but only the foundations were dug before the project was abandoned due to the outbreak of war. Had this stadium been completed it would remain the largest in the world today by a considerable margin.
Speer also designed a new Chancellery, which included a vast hall designed to be twice as long as the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles. Hitler wanted him to build a third, even larger Chancellery, although it was never begun. The second Chancellery was destroyed by the Soviet army in 1945.
Almost none of the other buildings planned for Berlin were ever built. Berlin was to be reorganized along a central 5 km-long boulevard known as the Prachtallee ("Avenue or Boulevard of Splendour(s)"). This would run south from a crossroads with the East-West Axis close to the Brandenburg Gate, following the course of the old Siegesallee through the Tiergarten before continuing down to an area just west of Tempelhof Airport. This new North-South Axis would have served as a parade ground, and have been closed off to traffic. Vehicles would have instead been diverted into an underground highway running directly underneath the parade route; sections of this highway's tunnel structure were built, and still exist today. No work was ever begun above ground although Speer did relocate the Siegesallee to another part of the Tiergarten in 1938 in preparation for the avenue's construction.
The plan also called for the building of two new large railway stations as the planned North-South Axis would have severed the tracks leading to the old Anhalter and Potsdamer stations, forcing their closure. These new stations would be built on the city's main S-Bahn ring with the Nordbahnhof in Wedding and the largerSüdbahnhof in Tempelhof-Schöneberg at the southern end of the avenue.
At the northern end of the avenue on the site of the Königsplatz (now the Platz der Republik) there was to be a large open forum known as Großer Platz with an area of around 350,000 square metres. This square was to be surrounded by the grandest buildings of all, with the Führer's palace on the west side on the site of the former Kroll Opera House, the 1894 Reichstag Building on the east side and the third Reich Chancellery and high command of the German Army on the south side (on either side of the square's entrance from the Avenue of Splendours). On the north side of the plaza, straddling the River Spree, Speer planned to build the centrepiece of the new Berlin, an enormous domed building, the Volkshalle (people's hall), designed by Hitler himself. It would still remain the largest enclosed space in the world had it been built. Although war came before work could begin, all the necessary land was acquired, and the engineering plans were worked out. The building would have been over 200 metres high and 250 metres in diameter, sixteen times larger than the dome of St. Peter's.
Towards the southern end of the avenue would be a triumphal arch based on the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, but again, much larger; it would be almost a hundred metres high, and the Arc de Triomphe (at the time the largest triumphal arch in existence) would have been able to fit inside its opening, evidently with the intention of replacing the rather long history associated with this Arch and in particular the unique ceremonies, with reference to the history of France, connected with it, see the French government website on this history. As a result of the occupation of Berlin by Soviet troops in 1945 a memorial was constructed with two thousand of the Soviet dead buried there in line with this proposed 'Triumphal Arch'. It had been intended that inside this generously proportioned structure the names of the 1,800,000 German dead of the First World War should be carved, that which presumably was known to amongst others the Soviet leaders.
Doubts persisted at the time as to whether the marshy Berlin ground could have taken the load of the proposed projects, leading to the construction of an exploration building (Schwerbelastungskörper, literal translation: Heavy load-bearing body), which still exists on the site where the Arch of Triumph would have been built. It is basically an extremely heavy block of concrete used by the architects to test how much weight the ground was able to carry. Instruments monitored how far the block sank into the ground. The Schwerbelastungskörper sank 18 cm in the three years it was to be used for testing, compared to a maximum allowable settlement of 6 cm. Using the evidence gathered by these gargantuan devices, it is unlikely the soil could have supported such structures without further preparation.
At the time of the initial invasion of the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa) in June 1941, Hitler expected to win victory in World War II by 1945, and he then planned, after completing the construction of the Welthauptstadt Germania plan, to hold a great World's Fair in Berlin in 1950 and then retire to his hometown of Linz.
The 2004 film Downfall portrays Hitler wistfully looking over a model of the planned city. He later makes a comment about the city while awarding Iron Crosses to Hitler Youths outside the Führerbunker.
The 1996 film The Empty Mirror shows Hitler in the underground bunker where he and his clan of loyal backers strive to outlast the destruction of the Third Reich. It is a fictional drama set within the scope of a delusional fantasy; that attempts to explore a psychotic scenario surrounding Adolf Hitler. He interacts with others, among them children, to whom he shows his Welthauptstadt Germania, saying that it was to be made for them.
Project Germania underground tunnels
From 1934 on, the city planners and architects of the Third Reich were building large representative structures, wherein the extent of the underground levels surpassed all previous buildings. A typical example can be seen in the extension of the Reich bank with its three underground floors and the largest safe in Germany. Also the Tempelhof airport, then the biggest building in the world, has in addition to an underground train connection, over 4.3 kilometres of traversable supply canals wherein the entire infrastructure of the building is housed.
In order to prepare Berlin for the 1936 Olympic Games, construction began in 1934 on north-south tunnel of the S-Bahn. For this large project, the new rulers were able to make use of plans from the 1920s. The project was also used successfully for propaganda purposes, in that with one stroke thousands of workers were able to be employed, who dug the trench more or less by hand. Slogans like: “we thank the Fuehrer that are building here” were hung above the construction site.
were part of the project several tunnels coming in and out from Berlin that would integrate massive highways,these tunnels would reach 8000 km in extent and there are news of that at the date of fall of Berlin had alreadybeen built about 800 km , you are going to see in the following documentary that these tunnels exist and have been hidden from the general public, thanks to some intrepid archaeologists today we are raising the tip of theveil on this issue.
The network of subway and city transit line tunnels could be used for covered movements by both friendly and enemy troops. In case of necessity they could be blocked at various points by setting off explosive charges that had already been planted. In the course of the battle the city transit line tunnel under the Landwehr Canal was blown up, after which it filled with water. It could not be determined at whose orders this measure was carried out. With the blowing up of the Ebert Bridge (east of the Weidendamm Bridge) the city transit line tunnel there was also destroyed, although this was apparently unintentional. Because of these and other explosions, water flowed into large parts of the subway and city transit line tunnels in the heart of the city.
It could not be proven that any appreciable loss of life resulted from the flooding of these tunnels, but it can be seriously doubted that it was justified by military necessity.
The tunnel leading from the Zoo railroad station (Bahnhof Zoo) to Ruhleben was heavily used by troops and civilians trying to break out toward the west.
Welthauptstadt Germania ("World Capital Germania")
refers to the projected renewal of the German capital Berlin during the Nazi period, part of Adolf Hitler's vision for the future of Germany after the planned victory in World War II. Albert Speer, the "first architect of the Third Reich", produced many of the plans for the rebuilt city in his capacity as overseer of the project, only a small portion of which was realized between the years 1937-1943 when construction took place.
Some projects, such as the creation of a great East-West city axis, which included broadening Charlottenburger Chaussee (today Straße des 17. Juni) and placing the Berlin victory column in the center, far away from the Reichstag, where it originally stood, succeeded. Others, however, such as the creation of the Große Halle (Great Hall), had to be shelved owing to the beginning of war. A great number of the old buildings in many of the planned construction areas were however demolished before the war and eventually defeat stopped the plans.
The name "Welthaupstadt Germania"
The combined name "Welthauptstadt Germania" for the project was coined by Albert Speer in his 1969 memoirsInside the Third Reich. Although it was never used in any official capacity by the Nazi government nor even by Hitler himself, it has since become synomynous with the Nazi-era construction plan for Berlin, which was named the "Comprehensive Construction Plan for the Reich Capital" (German: Gesamtbauplan für die Reichshauptstadt).
According to Henry Picker's records of Hitler's Table Talk of 8 June 1942 Hitler toyed with the idea of renaming the renewed Berlin into 'Germania', in order to give a Greater Germanic world empire a clear central point:
The term Welthauptstadt (World Capital) was already used by Hitler three months prior on the night between the 11th and 12th of March 1942 in the Wolf's Lair:"Just as the Bavarians and the Prussians had to be impressed by Bismarck of the German idea, so too must the Germanic peoples of Continental Europe be programmatically steered towards the Germanic concept. He [Hitler] even considers it good that by renaming the Reich capital Berlin into 'Germania', we'll have given considerable driving force to this task. The name Germania for the Reich capital would be very appropriate, for in spite of how far removed those belonging to the Germanic racial core will be, this capital will instill a sense of unity.—Andreas Hillgruber: Henry Picker. Hitlers Tischgespräche im Führerhauptquartier 1941–1942, p. 182. Munich, 1968.
The title 'Welthauptstadt' was chosen because it was felt that Berlin's architecture was at that time too provincial and that there was need to put Berlin on a par with and exceed the quality of other world capitals such as London, Paris and especially Rome"Berlin as the World Capital will only be comparable with Ancient Egypt, Babylon, and Rome! What are London and Paris compared to that!"—Werner Jochmann: Adolf Hitler. Monologe im Führerhauptquartier 1941–1944, p. 318. Munich, 1980.
Monumental architecture planned
The first step in these plans was the Olympic Stadium for the 1936 Summer Olympics. This stadium would promote the rise of the Nazi government. A much larger stadium capable of holding 400,000 spectators was planned alongside the Nazi parade grounds in Nuremberg but only the foundations were dug before the project was abandoned due to the outbreak of war. Had this stadium been completed it would remain the largest in the world today by a considerable margin.
Speer also designed a new Chancellery, which included a vast hall designed to be twice as long as the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles. Hitler wanted him to build a third, even larger Chancellery, although it was never begun. The second Chancellery was destroyed by the Soviet army in 1945.
The Avenue Of Splendours
Almost none of the other buildings planned for Berlin were ever built. Berlin was to be reorganized along a central 5 km-long boulevard known as the Prachtallee ("Avenue or Boulevard of Splendour(s)"). This would run south from a crossroads with the East-West Axis close to the Brandenburg Gate, following the course of the old Siegesallee through the Tiergarten before continuing down to an area just west of Tempelhof Airport. This new North-South Axis would have served as a parade ground, and have been closed off to traffic. Vehicles would have instead been diverted into an underground highway running directly underneath the parade route; sections of this highway's tunnel structure were built, and still exist today. No work was ever begun above ground although Speer did relocate the Siegesallee to another part of the Tiergarten in 1938 in preparation for the avenue's construction.
The plan also called for the building of two new large railway stations as the planned North-South Axis would have severed the tracks leading to the old Anhalter and Potsdamer stations, forcing their closure. These new stations would be built on the city's main S-Bahn ring with the Nordbahnhof in Wedding and the largerSüdbahnhof in Tempelhof-Schöneberg at the southern end of the avenue.
The Großer Platz
At the northern end of the avenue on the site of the Königsplatz (now the Platz der Republik) there was to be a large open forum known as Großer Platz with an area of around 350,000 square metres. This square was to be surrounded by the grandest buildings of all, with the Führer's palace on the west side on the site of the former Kroll Opera House, the 1894 Reichstag Building on the east side and the third Reich Chancellery and high command of the German Army on the south side (on either side of the square's entrance from the Avenue of Splendours). On the north side of the plaza, straddling the River Spree, Speer planned to build the centrepiece of the new Berlin, an enormous domed building, the Volkshalle (people's hall), designed by Hitler himself. It would still remain the largest enclosed space in the world had it been built. Although war came before work could begin, all the necessary land was acquired, and the engineering plans were worked out. The building would have been over 200 metres high and 250 metres in diameter, sixteen times larger than the dome of St. Peter's.
The Proposed First World War Arch Of Triumph and the Related Post-War Soviet War Memorial
Towards the southern end of the avenue would be a triumphal arch based on the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, but again, much larger; it would be almost a hundred metres high, and the Arc de Triomphe (at the time the largest triumphal arch in existence) would have been able to fit inside its opening, evidently with the intention of replacing the rather long history associated with this Arch and in particular the unique ceremonies, with reference to the history of France, connected with it, see the French government website on this history. As a result of the occupation of Berlin by Soviet troops in 1945 a memorial was constructed with two thousand of the Soviet dead buried there in line with this proposed 'Triumphal Arch'. It had been intended that inside this generously proportioned structure the names of the 1,800,000 German dead of the First World War should be carved, that which presumably was known to amongst others the Soviet leaders.
Doubts persisted at the time as to whether the marshy Berlin ground could have taken the load of the proposed projects, leading to the construction of an exploration building (Schwerbelastungskörper, literal translation: Heavy load-bearing body), which still exists on the site where the Arch of Triumph would have been built. It is basically an extremely heavy block of concrete used by the architects to test how much weight the ground was able to carry. Instruments monitored how far the block sank into the ground. The Schwerbelastungskörper sank 18 cm in the three years it was to be used for testing, compared to a maximum allowable settlement of 6 cm. Using the evidence gathered by these gargantuan devices, it is unlikely the soil could have supported such structures without further preparation.
At the time of the initial invasion of the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa) in June 1941, Hitler expected to win victory in World War II by 1945, and he then planned, after completing the construction of the Welthauptstadt Germania plan, to hold a great World's Fair in Berlin in 1950 and then retire to his hometown of Linz.
In popular culture
The alternative history novel Fatherland (1992), by Robert Harris envisages a Nazi Germany that won the Second World War, and has eventually realised Hitler's and Speer's vision of a rebuilt and monumental Berlin by about 1964.The 2004 film Downfall portrays Hitler wistfully looking over a model of the planned city. He later makes a comment about the city while awarding Iron Crosses to Hitler Youths outside the Führerbunker.
The 1996 film The Empty Mirror shows Hitler in the underground bunker where he and his clan of loyal backers strive to outlast the destruction of the Third Reich. It is a fictional drama set within the scope of a delusional fantasy; that attempts to explore a psychotic scenario surrounding Adolf Hitler. He interacts with others, among them children, to whom he shows his Welthauptstadt Germania, saying that it was to be made for them.
Project Germania underground tunnels
From 1934 on, the city planners and architects of the Third Reich were building large representative structures, wherein the extent of the underground levels surpassed all previous buildings. A typical example can be seen in the extension of the Reich bank with its three underground floors and the largest safe in Germany. Also the Tempelhof airport, then the biggest building in the world, has in addition to an underground train connection, over 4.3 kilometres of traversable supply canals wherein the entire infrastructure of the building is housed.
In order to prepare Berlin for the 1936 Olympic Games, construction began in 1934 on north-south tunnel of the S-Bahn. For this large project, the new rulers were able to make use of plans from the 1920s. The project was also used successfully for propaganda purposes, in that with one stroke thousands of workers were able to be employed, who dug the trench more or less by hand. Slogans like: “we thank the Fuehrer that are building here” were hung above the construction site.
Berlin maps with the tunnels that were operacional in 1945 |
were part of the project several tunnels coming in and out from Berlin that would integrate massive highways,these tunnels would reach 8000 km in extent and there are news of that at the date of fall of Berlin had alreadybeen built about 800 km , you are going to see in the following documentary that these tunnels exist and have been hidden from the general public, thanks to some intrepid archaeologists today we are raising the tip of theveil on this issue.
The network of subway and city transit line tunnels could be used for covered movements by both friendly and enemy troops. In case of necessity they could be blocked at various points by setting off explosive charges that had already been planted. In the course of the battle the city transit line tunnel under the Landwehr Canal was blown up, after which it filled with water. It could not be determined at whose orders this measure was carried out. With the blowing up of the Ebert Bridge (east of the Weidendamm Bridge) the city transit line tunnel there was also destroyed, although this was apparently unintentional. Because of these and other explosions, water flowed into large parts of the subway and city transit line tunnels in the heart of the city.
It could not be proven that any appreciable loss of life resulted from the flooding of these tunnels, but it can be seriously doubted that it was justified by military necessity.
The tunnel leading from the Zoo railroad station (Bahnhof Zoo) to Ruhleben was heavily used by troops and civilians trying to break out toward the west.
Publicada por Rui Teodósio à(s)
Kisah Biawak (Dhab) Yang Beriman
Rasulullah s.a.w. sedang berjalan bersama dengan sekumpulan para sahabat, tiba-tiba datang seorang Arab Badwi dari Bani Sulaim ke hadapan Rasulullah s.a.w. Beliau membawa bersamanya seekor biawak padang pasir (dhab) yang ditangkapnya, dan bercadang untuk membakar haiwan itu untuk dimakan.
Melihat ramai yang berjalan itu, beliau tertarik untuk mendekati dan bertanya siapakah gerangan yang sedang mereka iringi. Apabila diberitahu bahawa mereka sedang mengiringi Nabi, maka dia terus mendekati Nabi lantas berkata, “Demi tuhan Lata dan Uzza, tiadalah sesuatu yang terdapat di alam ini yang lebih kubenci daripadamu wahai Muhammad! Kalaulah tidak kerana kaumku memanggilku dengan panggilan yang tergesa-gesa, tentulah aku sudah memenggal kepalamu lalu aku dapat mengembirakan hatiku dan hati semua manusia yang berkulit hitam, putih dan merah serta selainnya!”
Sayyidina Umar al-Khattab menjadi marah, lalu bangkit dan berkata,”Wahai Nabi! Biarlah saya mengakhiri hidupnya!”
Nabi s.a.w. tenang menjawab permintaan Umar r.a., “Wahai Umar! Tidakkah engkau tahu bahawa orang yang lemah lembut itu hampir diangkat menjadi Nabi?”
Nabi kemudian berkata kepada Arab Badwi itu,”Apa yang menyebabkan engkau berkata demikian? Sepatutnya engkau menghormatiku dalam perhimpunan bersama sahabatku!”
Arab Badwi tersebut tidak mengalah bahkan sebaliknya berkata, “Demi tuhan Latta dan Uzza! Aku takkan beriman kepadamu hai Muhammad hinggalah biawak ini beriman kepadamu,” katanya sambil mengeluarkannya ke hadapan Nabi s.a.w.
Nabi s.a.w. memanggil biawak itu. Kedengaran biawak itu menjawab dengan bahasa Arab yang fasih dan difahami oleh semua yang hadir, “Ya wahai Nabi s.a.w.!”
Nabi bertanya,”Kepada siapakah engkau beriman?”
Jawab biawak itu,”Saya beriman kepada Tuhan yang di langit itu ‘Arasy-Nya, di bumi itulah kekuasaan-Nya, dan di lautan itulah jalan-Nya, di Syurga itu rahmat-Nya, dan di Neraka itu azab-Nya!”
Tanya Nabi lagi,”Aku ini siapa wahai biawak?”
Jawab si biawak, “Tuan adalah utusan Allah, yang memiliki sekalian alam! Amatlah beruntung orang yang mendokong perjuangan tuan, dan binasalah orang yang mendustakan tuan!”
Mendengar kata-kata biawak itu, Arab Badwi itu lantas berkata, “Wahai Muhammad! Sebelum ini engkau merupakan orang yang paling aku benci, tetapi hari ini engkau adalah orang yang paling aku kasihi berbanding dengan bapaku, diriku sendiri, engkau amat kukasihi zahirku dan batinku.”
Kemudian beliau mengucapkan kalimah syahadah di hadapan semua yang hadir :
“Aku naik saksi bahawa tiada Tuhan yang sebenarnya yang layak disembah melainkan Allah dan Nabi adalah pesuruh-Nya.”
Lalu Rasulullah s.a.w. berkata, “Syukur kepada Allah yang telah menganugerahkan hidayah-Nya kepadamu, sesungguhnya Islam ini adalah yang paling tinggi dan tiada yang lebih tinggi daripadanya, dan ia tidak diterima tanpa solat, dan solat pula tidak diterima melainkan dengan al-Qur’an.”
Jawabnya, “Kalau begitu ajarlah saya al-Qur’an itu, wahai Nabi.” Nabi pun mengajarkannya membaca surah al-Ikhlas.
Beliau berkata, “ Saya tak pernah mendengar kata-kata yang lebih hebat daripada ini!”
Nabi menambah, “Ini adalah perkataan Allah, bukannya sajak, jika engkau membaca surah al-Ikhlas ini sekali, ganjarannya di sisi Allah seumpama engkau membaca sepertiga dari al-Qur’an. Jika engkau membaca dua kali seumpama dua pertiga dari al-Qur’an dan jika engkau membaca tiga kali seumpama engkau telah membaca keseluruhan al-Qur’an."
Jawab Arab itu, “Tuhan itu adalah Tuhan kami, Dia menerima dari kita sedikit tapi membalasnya dengan banyak!”
Nabi bertanya kepadanya,”Adakah kamu memiliki harta?” Jawab beliau, “Tiada seorang pun dalam Bani Sulaim yang lebih miskin dari saya.”
Nabi bersabda kepada para sahabat, “Berikan kepadanya apa-apa yang kamu ada!”
Para sahabat memberikannya bantuan hinggakan dia mendapat harta yang amat banyak terkumpul. Kemudian Abdul Rahman bin Auf r.a berkata kepada Nabi, “Wahai Rasulullah!Saya memiliki seekor unta yang hamil 10 bulan, yang sederhana besarnya, saya perolehi dalam Perang Tabuk, sekarang saya hendak mendekatkan diri kepada Allah. Saya ingin menghadiahkannya kepada saudara baru kita ini!”
Nabi s.a.w bersabda, “Engkau menceritakan tentang untamu yang engkau telah hadiahkan padanya, sekarang aku akan menceritakan bahagianmu yang diberikan Allah sebagai balasan di akhirat. Allah s.w.t. akan menganugerahimu di akhirat unta yang diperbuat dari permata hijau, tengkuknya dari permata kuning memiliki pelana yang hebat dan ia akan melintasi titian sirat dengan pantas seperti kilat, semua orang akan merasa iri kepadamu pada Hari Qiyamat."
Kata Abdul Rahman, “ Saya redha dengannya wahai Nabi.”
Arab itu pun keluar dari kawasan itu. Sekonyong-konyong datang kaumnya dari Bani Sulaim seramai seribu orang menaiki seribu unta dan membawa bersama mereka seribu pedang dan lembing.
Dia bertanya, “Ke manakah haluan kamu? " Mereka menjawab, “Kami ingin memerangi orang yang menghina tuhan kita! Kata Arab Badwi itu kepada kaumnya, “Jangan! Aku sendiri telah beriman dengannya!” Lalu semua kaumnya beriman pada Rasulullah.
Kebesaran Allah | Tasik Muncul Di Tengah-tengah Gurun Gobi
Kebesaran Allah | Tasik Muncul Di Tengah-tengah Gurun Gobi
Kira-kira 6 kilometer dari selatan bandar Dunhuang, China terdapat sebuah keajaiban alam yang mana ia mempunyai satu lanskap tasik yang sangat menarik. Ia juga turut dikelilingi dengan gunung pasir.
Kira-kira 6 kilometer dari selatan bandar Dunhuang, China terdapat sebuah keajaiban alam yang mana ia mempunyai satu lanskap tasik yang sangat menarik. Ia juga turut dikelilingi dengan gunung pasir.
Kebiasaannya kita sering dibayangi dengan suasana gurun yang hanya berlatarkan tempat yang kurang menarik. Terdapat sebuah gurun yang terletak kira-kira 6 kilometer dari selatan bandar Dunhuang, China. Ia dikelilingi oleh gunung pasir menjadikan tempat ini satu keajaiban alam. Jika dilihat seolah-olah tempat ini menyerupai bentuk bulan sabit Sejak tahun 1960 kedalaman tasik disini terus menurun, tapi pada tahun 2006 kerajaan tempatan dengan bantuan kerajaan pusat mula memulihkan kembali kedalaman tasik ini. Jom lihat gambar di bawah ini.
Subhanallah, sungguh hebat ciptaan Allah. Terdapat sebuah tasik di tengah-tengah gurun tersebut. Apa yang menariknya, ia turut dikelilingi dengan gunung-gunung pasir. Alhamdulillah, pihak sana telah mengambil inisiatif mencantikkan lagi tempat tersebut walaupun ia jauh dan agak sukar untuk orang ramai bertandang ke sana.
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