Monday, June 27, 2011

Sea Survival, HUET dan Basic Fire Fighting

Selingkar Kisah 1

Arini start training di TSTC, Kemaman seperti tajuk di atas. Ini smua ni sbg persediaan utk ke offshore la ni, projek dgn Newfield. Tapi tatau lagi sape yag terpilih ke sana nanti, aku antara name standby je.

Ari pertama standard la, kelas je la manjang. Tgk video, dgr cikgu bckp dr pg smpai ptg. Dpt la tgk video elikopter, gambar kt platform offshore, tgk kepala kena potong kena blade elikopter, ok lg. Dpt tgk jari tnggal tulang sbb xcident n cincin tertarik skali dgn daging2, bile tgk je, aku mcm biase la nampak tulang, terus lembik, muka atas meja terus. Video lain pastu tgk celah jari, mcm zmn2 tadika, tgk resakse otomen, ikot celah jari jugok.

Cikgu Khairuddin "Hand Flare"

Mase kelas pasal peralatan survival bile dok dlm rakit bile kena abandoned platform, ada la alat tu nama dia Hand Flare.

Cikgu: Ni name Hand Flare, untuk tarik perhatian helikopter/kapal masa cari kite kt laut.
Zizi : Hehehehe.
(tetibe aku rase mcm de silly thing, Hand "Flare")
Ajae: (Pandang zizi)
Zizi: (Pandang ajae)
ajae: (terus tutup muka gelak)
Zizi: Kena sebut molek ni cikgu.
Cikgu: Aiiii berat set2 UMT.

Antara nasihat cikgu kpd pekerja oil n gas kt offshore, "korang kena mental kuat. segala urusan rumah, isteri kena pandai handle. Jgn dpt tau anak demam, terus mintak balik.Isteri kena tau n pandai psikologi, jika tidak ramai yg hancur rumahtangga"

Dah kelas abis, terus ke bandar kemaman nak cari hotel. Duduk la hotel River Garden Hotel, masuk je bilik, lan pegang siling.. aiii mcm hotel kopak' je ni hahaha. aku dgn lan gelak guling2. Mlm tu mkn kt tepi sungai, sebelah hotel je. Sblm smpai kedai, singgah 1 gerai kecik. zul beli suar jeans BOSS. org len beli telur seperti dlm gambar tu, comel gak arr utk letak perhiasan dlm umah.Tgh berbual tu, uda tawar menawar ke ape ntah dgn kakak tu.

ude:bg murah arrr kak. tgk, kami bwk org pakistan (sambil tnjuk ke zizi)
(akak tu tgk zizi)
akak: pakistan mende, bulu pun x cukup. (zizi tercengang tatau mende).
(zi bukak zi, tnjuk skit)

1st time aku tgk Dr din gelak x kuar suara tp kerut terus muka dok suker ke akak tu n zizi.

Tgk org mancing, yg kami pelik, aikk mane air? Tgk depan, bapak jauh air. Patut la joran pjg giler, aku tnggu jugak la, nk tgk mcm mana diorang boley baling smpai jauh gitu. Dah tgk, aku respek ah diorang, skill giler cara lontar,boley smpai kt air yg bapak jauh tu.

Selingkar Kisah 2

Hari kedua,pagi hanya kelas biase, Basic Fire Fighting. Sesi pagi ni mmg mengantuk giler la. Tdo dah cukup, tp ntah la. Nasib baik la cikgu tu kelakar skit, ayat biase dia 'just for u' dan apa puntak boleh'. Kelas de org filipina sorang, cikgu awal2 ade gak english, masuk stgh jam, ckp ganu terus hehehe.

Balik ke hotel, singgah kedai gambar, nk amik gambar pasport, utk wat pasport keselamatan. bile turn aku siap, tnggu lan kt luar, smbil tgk2 kamera digital, waa skang rm300 dah dpt yg nikon, kalo dulu mmg 1k ke atas la hage kamera digital dgn gamba berkualiti. Tetibe lan kuar...

ajae: bereh?
lan:dok ah, zip baju aku rosok, napok dada.
ajae: laaa, amik baju aku ah, alang2 dok keda doh ni.
(dgn selamba bodoh, bertukar baju dgn lan dlm bilik tpt shoot)
(lan pakai baju aku n kot,aku sangkut baju lan atas bahu gitu,mls sarung)
adik kecik masuk...
adik kecik: hahaha, selambe je set2 awok hahahaha.
kami: hahaha, cepat la amik.

dah siap,kami keluar... selang pastu.

adik kecik: bang hehehe boley masuk balik? sy lupe letak memory kad.
ajae: aiii tgk kami tukar baju smpai dok ingat letok memori kad?

Maka, buat kali kedua,kami bertukar baju la lg skali. Adik tu snapkali kedua smbil gelak. Tnggu gambar siap dia gelak lg. Dah siap gelak lg, aiiiii berat doh adik kecik ni.

Mlm tu ade singgah kedai sport, errr skali teruja dgn kasut baru asics... bebudak bdmtn dah beli yg atas tu, yg model baru yg kt bwh... leleh air liur..

Selingkar Kisah 3

Hari last, ari ke 3, semua agak senyap, ari sblm ni,smua gelak2 je.Arinidah kureng gelak, cuak je smua kah kah kah kah. Yg plg ngeri, HUET tu la, Helicopter Underwater Escape Training. 1st xda ape, 2nd xde ape. Yg 3rd ngeri skit, dah dlm air tu, elikopter tu terus pusing pala bwh, kaki atas, errkkkkkkkk.
Kemudian Sea survival, yg paling ngeri terjun dr platform ler.kecutt wooooo, gagau gak, kot2 dah masuk dlm hahahaha.

Ada sorang pompuan, engineer Carigali, mase terjun, EEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee jerit, pastu senyap, sbb dah dlm air.adoiii smua gelak.

Diperlihat 10 Seksaan Wanita ketika Nabi di Israk dan Mikraj

Metro 27 Jun 2011

KETIKA peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj, Rasulullah s.a.w dibawa menaiki buraq menuju ke Kaabah untuk proses pembersihan hati.

Nabi Muahammad s.a.w turut mengalami pelbagai peristiwa, antaranya dada Baginda dibedah malaikat Jibrail dan Mika'il. Hati Baginda dicuci dengan air zamzam, dibuang ketul hitam ('alaqah) iaitu tempat syaitan membisikkan waswasnya. Kemudian dituangkan hikmat, ilmu, dan iman ke dada Rasulullah.

Selepas itu, dadanya dijahit dan dimeterikan dengan "khatimun nubuwwah". Selesai pembedahan, baginda menaiki Buraq meneruskan perjalanan luar biasa itu. Semasa perjalanan dari Masjidil Haram ke Masjidil Aqsa, sepanjang perjalanan itu Rasulullah diiringi malaikat Jibrail dan Israfil.

Tiba di tempat mulia dan bersejarah Rasulullah diarah Jibril supaya berhenti dan bersolat dua rakaat.

Antara tempat-tempat berkenaan ialah negeri Thaibah (Madinah), tempat di mana Rasulullah akan melakukan hijrah, Bukit Tursina, iaitu tempat Nabi Musa a.s. menerima wahyu daripada Allah serta Baitul-Laham iaitu tempat Nabi 'Isa a.s dilahirkan.

Dalam perjalanan itu, Baginda menghadapi gangguan jin ifrit dengan obor api. Peristiwa itu memperingatkan kepada kita syaitan dan iblis tidak jemu menyesatkan dan memperdayakan umat manusia dengan pelbagai cara.

Dalam perjalanan Rasulullah ke Masjidil Al-Aqsa, Baginda melihat beberapa gambaran antara langit dan bumi. Antara pelajaran yang dapat diambil dari peristiwa itu ialah mengenai wanita. Rasulullah s.a.w melewati satu daerah yang mana baunya sangat harum seperti bau kasturi. Baginda bertanya kepada Jibril, daerah apakah yang sedang mereka lewati. Jibril menjawab: ''Itulah makam Masyitah, seorang wanita penghulu syurga.'' Dia adalah pengasuh anak Firaun, pemerintah yang kejam di Mesir yang mengaku dirinya Tuhan. Masyitah memiliki semangat dan jiwa keIslaman kuat hingga mampu mengenepikan keangkuhan Firaun. Kerana kekejaman Firaun, dia dan yang lainnya terpaksa menyembunyikan keimanan mereka. Pada suatu hari, ketika Masyitah menyisir rambut puteri Firaun, tiba-tiba sikat itu terjatuh. Dengan tidak sengaja, dia menyebut nama Allah. Ketika sang puteri mendengarnya, bertanya kepada Masyitah, siapakah Allah itu? Masyitah pada awalnya enggan menjawab, tetapi setelah didesak berkali-kali, dia akhirnya memberitahu bahawa Allah adalah Tuhan Yang Esa dan Tuhan Sekalian Alam.

Puteri itu mengadu hingga menyebabkan Firaun sangat marah mengetahui Masyitah menyembah tuhan selain dirinya. Masyitah dipaksa Firaun agar mengakui dirinya (Firaun) sebagai Tuhan. Tetapi dengan penuh keberanian dia berkata: "Tuhan aku dan Tuhan kamu adalah Allah." Kata-kata tersebut menimbulkan kemarahan Firaun. Lalu dia memerintahkan menterinya, Hammam, agar membuat patung sapi dari tembaga dan diisi minyak untuk merebus Masyitah dan keluarganya.

Ketika tiba giliran bayinya dimasukkan ke patung sapi, Masyitah hampir mengaku kalah dan menyerah kepada keinginan Firaun kerana sangat sayang kepada anaknya. Tetapi dengan kehendak Allah terjadinya kejadian luar biasa. Secara tiba-tiba bayi itu dengan fasih berkata: "Wahai ibuku! Teruskanlah dan jangan menyerah kalah, sesungguhnya engkau di jalan yang benar." Masyitah dan keluarganya mempertahankan keimanan mereka dengan mengatakan ''Allah Tuhan Yang Esa dan Firaun hanya manusia biasa''. Lalu semuanya syahid dibunuh Firaun. Keberanian seorang wanita memperjuangkan kebenaran dan keimanan ini diperingati setiap tahun oleh seluruh manusia melalui peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj. Dalam perjalanan terbabit Baginda diperlihatkan 10 jenis seksaan yang menimpa wanita hingga Rasulullah s.a.w menangis apabila mengenangkannya. Di antaranya perempuan yang digantung dengan rambut dan otak di kepalanya mendidih. Mereka adalah perempuan yang tidak mahu melindungi rambutnya dari pandangan lelaki lain.

Seksaan lain ialah perempuan yang digantung dengan lidah, tangannya dikeluarkan dari punggung dan minyak panas dituangkan ke dalam kerongkongnya. Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka menyakiti hati suami dengan perkataan.

Baginda juga melihat bagaimana perempuan digantung buah dadanya dari arah punggung dan air pohon zakum dituangkan ke dalam kerongkongnya. Mereka adalah perempuan yang menyusui anak orang lain tanpa izin dari suaminya.

Ada pula perempuan yang diikat kedua kakinya serta kedua tangannya sampai ke ubun-ubun, dililit oleh beberapa ekor ular dan kala jengking. Itu adalah balasan kepada perempuan yang mampu solat dan berpuasa, tetapi tidak mahu mengerjakannya, tidak wuduk dan tidak mahu mandi junub. Mereka sering keluar rumah tanpa izin suaminya dan tidak mandi bersuci setelah haid dan nifas. Baginda kemudian melihat perempuan yang makan daging tubuhnya sendiri sedangkan di bawahnya ada api yang menyala. Golongan itu adalah perempuan yang berhias agar dilihat oleh lelaki lain dan suka menceritakan keburukan orang lain. Baginda juga melihat perempuan yang memotong badannya sendiri dengan gunting dari neraka. Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka membanggakan diri sendiri agar orang melihat perhiasannya.

Selain itu, baginda turut menyaksikan seksaan terhadap perempuan yang kepalanya seperti kepala babi dan badannya seperti keledai. Mereka suka mengadu domba dan sangat suka berdusta. Ada juga perempuan yang Baginda lihat, wajahnya berbentuk anjing dan beberapa ekor ular serta kala jengking masuk ke dalam mulutnya lalu keluar melalui duburnya. Ia adalah akibat daripada perempuan yang suka marah kepada suaminya dan memfitnah orang lain.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Kata Kekunci Carian Blog Aku

Hari ni aku gelak sorang-sorang dalam bilik opis aku. Nasib baik kamal xda, kalo tak konpom dia report kat fiancee dia si nurul bahiyah tu. "Bos abg gelak sorang2 dlm bilik tu" Mcm tu la kot dialog diorang. takpe lah, harap jd pasangan bahagia dan dirahmati Allah, jaga kesucian hubungan ok, jika tidak akhirnya masalah melanda di penghujung.

Aishhh melalut plak. Ok gini, kat blog aku ade nuffnang ads, dia akan rekod juga jumlah pengunjung harian dan mingguan blog aku. Selain tu dia juga merekod kata kunci sesuatu carian, dan search engine akan suggest la kot kata-kata yang ada pernah aku post.

Giler tak terkejut (tgn di dada mata ke atas), salah satu kata carian ialah "bertuah kami suami isteri dapat jiran kuat sex", kah kah kah kah.

Hoi, ingat ni blog sex ke.Okla, suami isteri tu aku pernah taip, tapi xde la sampai cerita jiran kuat sex, sape sangat la jiran aku ni. Kanan keluarga arwah Cikgu Ramlan, kiri si zamri yang jarang balik sbb kije kat Kerteh. Dok koya jugok la kot2 aku ade citer pasal skodeng jiran hahaha.

Adoi, gelak sorang, mcm2 hal, itu yang dia taip kat yahoo atau google, ntah apa yang dia nak cari, tapi ok lah, yang baiknya dia menambah bilangan pengunjung blog aku, menambahbaik utk advertising.

Oklah, itu saje, len kali kalo ade kate carian yang lawak lagi, aku post. Bukan nak menghina dia, cuma kata kunci dia agak lawak pd aku. Mana tahu dia kena wat esaimen mcm member aku lawyer, esaimen pasal soal rumah tangga gak, adoii mampus nk kena mintak maaf, nk cari mane la!!!!

Pandangan Paling Kritis Dari Mawar, Perihal Keganasan Rumahtangga

Hari ni, baca status dari FB member, perihal keganasan rumahtangga. Kalo nk tau, di bawah ni ialah status beliau. Maka ramai juga yang memberi komen.

hari ni kes x-hsbnd tikam x-wife.. boyfren pukul n langgar awek ngn kete sbb awek minta putus.. err xde ke kes awek g blasah or tikam boifren sbb kes sama.. atau wife terajang laki dia ker.. atau ppuaN yg kurang waras bkeliaran simbah asid kt lelaki.. ermmm.. ada tp jarang baca kes gini dlm paper..

Kunci status beliau ialah selalu terdengar keganasan oleh suami kepada isteri, padahal banyak je keganasan dari isteri (ko bc paper tak mawar hehe). Sebenarnya perkara keganasan rumah tangga bukan perkara baru, ia telah lama berlaku seperti menikam suami, potong anu (ni kes worldwide n potong terus, xde letak2 dlm botol punye), simbah asid, bomoh (keganasan secara halus) dan sebagainya. Ia jarang diperkatakan kerana sudah lumrah alam, sebelum ini memanglah KEBIASAAN ia bermula dari suami/lelaki.

kemudian aku tergamam dengan komen dari mawar sendiri seperti di perenggan bawah. Terperanjat jugalah bila ia kuar dari jemari kecik mawar tu. Ya lah, aku kenal mawar sejak 1999. Malahan suami dia si arin tu roomate aku mase kt Blok A (skang dah jd fakulti). Mawar dan arin adalah antara member aku yang very straight forward punye pemikiran. Kalo suka, cakap suka. Kalo x suka, mmg dia tak suka. Pemikiran mereka juga jarang terdengar memperkatakan isu persekitaran, politik dan sebagainya. Simple and very straight forward.

aku rasa words shj lg tajam dari pisau yg menikam..lg berasid drp cuka getah.. Sbb tu ramai lelaki sakit jiwa nk blasah ppuan..sbb rupanya lelaki2 tu dh cedera dalaman.. Abis organ2 siap otak diorg kena simbahan berbisa kata2 ppuan n tikaman ayat tajam..hehehe..

Ya, memang betul apa apa dia kate, lelaki dia pemikiran dia mmg straight forward. Perkara kecil-kecil jarang sangat dipandang secara serius. Mereka hanya pandang perkara besar dan bermakna kepada kehidupan mereka. Cth, jika nak beli baju di pasaraya, mereka terus ke department baju, beli dan bayar. Ada, tapi jarang sgt kalo kite jumpe lelaki kaki belek satu2, cek zip,jahitan, kain dari mana.

lelaki biase mudah memaafkan dan menelan apa sahaja yang dihadapi. Hanya mereka yang berfikiran pendek sahaja mudah membuat keputusan selepas sesuatu perkara berlaku. Tetapi apabila kata-kata ibarat pisau tajam yang menghiris, ya, sekali terhiris, memang parutnya melekat.

Ya perempuan juga akan menggunakan alasan yang sama seperti di atas, tetapi percayalah, lelaki dan wanita Allah sudah jadikan takkan sama dari semua segi. Tuntutlah kesamarataan pun, Allah sudah tetapkan perbezaan dari segi hak, rezeki dan apa sahaja.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Kisah Azam Si Tukang Rumah

Suatu petang
Hujan begitu lebat sekali
Sesiapa pun tahu, bumi Pantai Timur amat tega dengan hujan
Bisa membanjiri seluruh kawasan rendah
Tanpa amaran, kadan-kadang terjadi begitu sahaja
Azam pasrah, ahhhh seronoknya, sejuk

Suatu petang (again, hari yg same la ngek)
Seluruh dapur dibanjiri
Rupanya hujan tadi mem'penetrate' lubang-lubang yang ada
Maka seluruh lantai basah bergenang air
Azam pasrah, lalu disapu air yang membanjiri

Suatu petang (yg ni hari lain la plak)
Bumbung harus dibaiki
Jika tidak, perkara berulang, masalah bertambah
Maka mencucilah dedaun
Bumbung diintai, dedaun acasia disapu
Atap terlalu rapat, mengganggu aliran air hujan
Tersumbat, itulah puncanya
Azam pasrah, terus berusaha

Suatu petang (yang ni pun hari yg lain la)
Rasa tidak puas hati membara, tido tidak menentu
Jika tidak diselesaikan, aliran hujan terganggu lagi
Diambil tangga, memanjat bumbung dari dalam
Atap yang mungkin tercabut dan mengganggu aliran air harus dibuang
Azam tekad, pertama kali masuk bumbung rumah sendiri

Gelap, bertemankan lampu suluh
Panas, berseluarkan pendek pinggang ke atas berbogel
Peluh mengalir bak air Bukit Bakar
Sunyi, gelap, panas, kuar Ju On mampus kt situ juga
Atap diselak-selak sambil membuang dedaun yang memenuhi
Akhirnya atap yang mengganggu aliran hujan dijumpai
Senyum, dalam keadaan tempat yang sempit, kepala terpaksa ditunduk
Yang mengganggu dibuang, senyum bangga
Azam bangga, misi tercapai

Keluar sahaja dari bumbung, tangga diangkat ke luar
Pengait dibawa untuk membersihkan sisa-sia daun
Naik sahaja tangga
Mata TERBELALAK, dengus dihembus kuat, tangan di dada mata ke atas
Niat mencuci saki baki daun dibatal
Sambil menggaru kepala
Azam pasrah, sengih sendirian

Azam pasrah malam itu, berdoa tidak hujan
Azam pasrah malam itu, kalo hujan dibimbangi bocor
Azam pasrah malam itu, seperti tukang kasut membaiki kerete
Azam pasrah malam itu, seperti pomen kete labi membaiki ferari
Azam pasrah malam itu, ligat berfikir namun, Azam pasrah jua!!!!!

Who Created th Universe and Why?

Can it Be that the Universe Created Itself?

Virtually every human being has pondered this question. Some answered by saying that the formation of the universe was merely a coincidence. Others felt there must be an unseen Creator. In what will follow, we will try to assist you in answering this question. Our approach will depend primarily on the text of the Qur'an (the Word of Allah (i.e. God), inspired to Prophet Muhammad (saws)). We request only that you open your mind and read.

Allah asks in the Qur'an:

35. Were they created out of nothing? Or were they themselves the creators?

36. Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, but they are sure of nothing!

(Qur'an 52:35-36)

Most deny or ignore the existence of The Creator because they cannot see Him. However, there are many things which we do not see, but yet we believe in their existence. Further, most of us believe in creatures which exist yet undiscovered and undocumented.

Many reject the existence of The Creator, believing only in science and data gathered and confirmed by its canonical methods. But, on any given day, the same person might find himself in love, deep remorse or sadness. And while contriving the most complex and personal thoughts, he does not, at the time, suppose that his feelings are a random product of firing neurons. How can he then believe that the only distinction between a corpse and a living person is the absence of organ functionality. That we need only revive his physical body to restore him to normality.

The Scientific Proof

Let us imagine ourselves standing in a laboratory stocked with beakers and test tubes containing all sorts of chemical compounds. Then suppose an earthquake has just occurred upsetting the shelved vessels, sending their contents spilling onto the laboratory floor. It would be a very strange coincidence indeed to find new life forms generating themselves where none had existed before.

You might say, 'Your analogy didn't account for time - these organisms need time to evolve.' We ask, 'How much time should we have allowed? Was there enough time since the beginning of the universe to allow for their self-induced formation?'

Let's hear from Swiss mathematician Charles Eugene Jai. In an experiment aimed at answering this very question, Jai set out to calculate the probability of the random formation of a single protein molecule. Jai 'helped' the situation by assuming the existence of formative elements, and by selecting a protein consisting of only 2,000 atoms (An average protein might consist of 32,000 atoms or more). Jai also assumed that the protein would consist of only 2 unique formative atoms.

He determined the value of probability by considering the size of the material and the time necessary for the random formation to occur. He calculated that the probability of forming even a simplified protein molecule was approximately 1 in 5 x 10 e+320 !

The size of the material necessary to produce that almost zero probability would have been a sphere with a diameter of approximately 6 x 10 e+176 miles - about 10 e+63 times bigger than the imagined size of the universe. Finally, the time necessary for the molecule to form was 10 e+243 billion years. This was far greater than the supposed age of the universe - only about 2 billion years.

He concluded that the universe was neither old enough, nor big enough to allow for the random formation of even a simple protein molecule. It was impossible for the universe to have created itself, and for life to randomly form. We must then consider another course. There is a Creator who created the universe.

Some Unmistakable Signs of the Creator

Allah said in the Qur'an:

53. We* (Allah) shall show them Our Signs on the horizons and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them that it is the Truth. Is it not sufficient that the Lord is Witness over all things?

(Qur'an 41:53)

* One of the usages of 'we' in Arabic is for glorifying and indicating the greatness of a person. Here it indicates greatness and not plurality.

We live in an amazing universe. It is a universe peculiarly balanced, and purposefully tempered as if to provide a safe host for living creatures.

According to modern astronomers, the universe is expanding. They hold that if gravity had been only slightly stronger, it would have overtaken expansion very early and caused the universe to collapse. Had gravity been slightly weaker, universe expansion would have become a runaway process, not allowing time for the formation of galaxies and stars.

If either of these had occurred, there would never have been an Earth on which creatures could live. This universe seems designed, even meticulously tailored to provide suitable conditions for living. If other basic ratios and constants had been just slightly different, the universe would not have been favourable to our existence.

If, for instance, the strong and weak nuclear forces were slightly stronger relative to the electromagnetic forces, hydrogen would not exist in its ordinary form. This would mean that heavier elements, such as carbon and oxygen - two of the essential building blocks of life - would never have existed.

The strength of gravity is crucial to the existence of life in the universe in another way. If it were weaker, then it could not crush the material in a star the size of the Sun with enough force to ignite its thermonuclear reactions. Only very massive stars would shine, and such stars would probably have too short lifespan to allow for the development of life.

These indications that the universe has been arranged to favour the appearance and survival of life has been taken very seriously by certain scientists. Prominent among them is astronomer Brandon Carter. Modern science estimates that it has taken 4 billion years for human beings to evolve from unicellular life forms. Carter has calculated that the average period for any evolution of this magnitude should take much longer - about 10 billion years. That is longer than the lifespan of a Sun-sized star, and much longer than the period of life-favourable conditions on Earth.

It would seem that intelligent life appeared on Earth despite its high improbability. We are again pulled towards recognizing the Creator.

Signs for the Aware

164. Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of the night and day, and the sailing of ships through the ocean for the profit of mankind, and the water which Allah sends down from the skies, thereby reviving the earth after its death, and dispersing therein all kinds of beasts, and (in) the ordinance of the winds, and the clouds subjugated between heaven and earth: are signs for people who have sense.

(Qur'an 2:164)

The Creation of Heaven and Earth

60. Who has created the heavens and the earth, and Who sends down for you water from the sky? Yea, with it We cause to grow well-planted orchards full of beauty and delight: it never has been yours to cause to grow. Could there be another god besides Allah? Nay, but they are people who swerve from justice.

61. Or, Who has made the earth firm to live in, and placed rivers in its folds, and set upon it immovable mountains, and made a barrier between the two seas (fresh and salt waters)? Could there be another god besides Allah? Nay, most of them know not.

62. Or, Who answers the one distressed when he calls unto Him, and Who relieves the harm, and makes you (mankind) inheritors of the earth? Could there be another god besides Allah? Little do they reflect!

63. Or, Who guides you through the depths of darkness in the land and the sea, and Who sends the winds as heralds of His Mercy? Could there be another god besides Allah? High is Allah above what they ascribe to Him!

64. Or, Who originates creation, then repeats it, and Who gives you sustenance from heaven and earth? Could there be another god besides Allah? Say, " Bring your proof, if you are truthful!"

65. Say: None in the heavens or on earth, except Allah, knows what is hidden. Nor are they able to perceive when they shall be resurrected (for Judgment).

(Qur'an 27:60-65)

9. Allah is He Who sends the winds which push up the clouds. Then He leads them unto a dead land and revive therewith the earth after its death. Such is the Resurrection!

(Qur'an 35:9)

27. Have they not seen that Allah causes water to fall from the sky? Then with it We produce fruit of various colours; and among the hills are streaks white and red, and of various colours, and (others) of raven-black.

28. And so amongst men and beasts and cattle, in like manner, various colours. Verily those who truly fear Allah, among His Servants, are those endued with knowledge, and Allah is Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving.

(Qur'an 35:27-28)

65. Allah sends down water from the sky and therewith revives the earth after its death. Verily in this is a sign for those who listen.

(Qur'an 16:65)

6. Have they not then observed the sky above them, how We have constructed it and beautified it, and how there are no rifts in it?

7. And We have spread out the earth, and have flung firm hills therein, and have caused every lovely thing to grow thereon (in pairs).

8. A vision and a reminder for every repentant servant.

9. And We send down from the sky blessed water whereby We give growth unto gardens and the grain of crops,

10. And lofty date-palms with ranged clusters.

11. Provision (made) for (Allah's) Servants; and therewith We quicken a dead land. Like so will be the resurrection of the dead.

(Qur'an 50:6-11)

2. Allah is He Who raised the heavens without pillars that you can see, then mounted the Throne, and compelled the sun and the moon to be of service (to his Law)! Each runs (its course) unto an appointed term. He regulates all affairs, explaining the revelations, that you may be certain of the meeting with your Lord.

3. And Allah is He who spread out the earth and placed therein firm hills and flowing streams, and of all fruits He placed therein two spouses (male and female). He covered the night with day. Behold! Herein verily are signs for people who take thought.

4. And in the Earth are neighbouring tracts, vineyard and ploughed lands, and palm trees, like and unlike, watered with one water (the same water). And We have made some of them to excel others in fruit. Behold! Herein verily are signs for people who have sense.

(Qur'an 13:2-4)

The Creation of Mankind

12. Verily We created man from a product of wet earth (clay).

13. Then placed him as a drop (of sperm) in a safe lodging.

14. Then We fashioned the drop into a clot, then We fashioned the clot into a little lump, then We fashioned the little lump into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, and then produced it as another creation. So blessed be Allah, the Best of creators!

15. Then Behold! After that you surely will die.

16. Then, on the Day of Resurrection you will be raised (again).

(Qur'an 23:12-16)

78. And Allah brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers knowing nothing, and gave you hearing and sight and hearts that you might give thanks.

(Qur'an 16:78)

19. He brings forth the living from the dead, and He brings forth the dead from the living, and He revives the earth after its death. And like so you will be brought forth (from death).

20. And of His Signs is this: He created you from dust, and then, behold you are human beings, ranging widely!

21. And of His Signs is this: He created for you mates from yourselves that you might find rest in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy. Behold! Herein indeed are Signs for those who reflect.

22. And of His Signs are the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations of your languages and colours. Behold! Herein indeed are signs for those who know.

23. And of His Signs is your sleep by night and by day, and your seeking of His Bounty. Behold! Herein indeed are signs for those who heed.

24. And of His Signs is this: He shows you the lightning for fear and for hope, and sends down water from the sky, and thereby revives the earth after its death. Behold! Herein indeed are signs for those who understand.

(Qur'an 30:19-24)

Signs in the Other Creatures

66. Behold! In the cattle there is a lesson for you. We give you to drink of that which is in their bellies, from between the refuse and the blood, pure milk palatable to the drinkers.

67. And of the fruits of the date-palm, and grapes, you derive strong drink and (also) good food. Behold! Therein is indeed a sign for people who have sense.

68. And the Lord inspired the (female) bee: "Choose your habitations in the hills and in the trees and in that which they (humans) dwell."

69. "Then eat of all fruits, and follow the paths of your Lord (which were) made smooth". There comes forth from their bellies a drink of diverse hues (honey), and wherein is healing for mankind. Behold! Herein is indeed a sign for people who give thought.

(Qur'an 16:66-69)

34. And We have placed therein gardens of the date-palm and grapes, and We have caused springs of water to gush forth therein.

35. That they may eat of the fruit thereof, which their hands did not make. Will they not, then, give thanks?

36. Glory be to Him Who created all the pairs of that which the earth grows, and of themselves, and of that which they know not!

37. And a reminder for them is night. We strip it of the day, and behold! They are in darkness.

38. And the sun runs on unto a resting-place (orbit) for it. That is the measuring of the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.

39. And for the moon We have appointed mansions until it returns like an old shriveled palm-leaf.

40. It is not permitted that the sun catch up to the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day: All float in an orbit.

41. And a reminder for them is that We bear their offspring in laden ship,

42. And We have created for them similar on which they ride.

43. And if We will, We drown them, and there is no help for them, neither can they be saved.

44. Unless by mercy from Us and as comfort for a while.

45. When they are told: Fear that which is before you and that which is behind you, that you may find mercy (they are heedless).

46. Never did a sign come to them (the unbelievers) of the signs of their Lord, but they did turn away from it!

(Qur'an 36:33-46)

Allah, The Creator Subjected the Universe to Human Control

5. And the cattle He has created for you. From them you have warm clothing and uses, and whereof you eat.

6. And wherein is beauty for you, when you bring them home, and when you take them out to pasture.

7. And they carry your loads unto a land you could not reach except with souls distressed. Behold! Your Lord is indeed Most Kind, Most Merciful.

8. And (He has created) horses and mules and donkeys that you may ride them, and for ornament. And He creates that which you know not.

9. And depend on Allah for direction to the Straight Path, but some (paths) go not straight: And had He willed He would have led you all aright (by His Guidance).

10. Allah is He Who sends down water from the sky, from it you have drink, and out of it (grows) the vegetation with which you feed your cattle.

11. Therewith He causes crops to grow for you, and the olive and the date-palm and grapes and fruits of all kinds. Behold! Herein is indeed a sign for people who reflect.

12. And He has constrained the night and the day and the sun and the moon to be of service unto you, and the stars are made subservient by His command. Behold! Herein indeed are signs for people who have sense.

13. And whatsoever He has created for you in the earth of diverse hues, Behold! Therein is indeed a sign for people who take heed.

14. And Allah is He Who has constrained the sea to be of service that you eat thereof flesh that is fresh and tender, and bring forth from it ornaments to wear. And you see the ships plowing therein, that you (mankind) may seek of His bounty and that you may be grateful.

15. And He has cast into the earth firm hills that it quakes not with you, and streams and roads that you may find your way.

16. And landmarks (too), and by the stars they find their ways.

17. Is He then Who creates like one who does not create? Will you not then remember?

18. And if you try to count the favours of Allah you cannot number them. Behold! Allah is indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

(Qur'an 16:5-18)

80. Allah has given you in your houses and abode, and has given you (also), of the hides of cattle, houses which you find light (to carry) on the day of migration and on the day of pitching camp; and of their wool and their fur and their hair, caparison and comfort (to serve you) for a time.

81. And Allah has given you, of that which He has created, shelter from the sun; and has given you places of refuge in the mountains, and has given you coats with which to ward off the heat, and coats (of armour) to save you from your own foolhardiness. Thus He perfects His favour unto you, in order that you may surrender (unto Him).

82. But if they turn away, your duty is only to preach the Clear Message.

83. They (the unbelievers) know the favour of Allah but then deny it. Most of them are ingrates.

(Qur'an 16:80-83)

5. Allah is He Who appointed the sun a splendour and the moon a light, and measured for it stages, that you might know the number of the years, and the count (of time). Allah did not create (all) that but in Truth. He details the revelations for people who have knowledge.

6. Behold! In the difference of day and night and all that Allah has created in the heavens and the earth are portents, for those who fear Him.

(Qur'an 10:5-6)

17. Will they not look at the camels, how they are created?

18. And the heavens, how it is raised?

19. And the hills, how they are fixed firms?

20. And the earth, how it is spread out?

21. Remind them, for you are not but a reminder.

(Qur'an 88:17-21)

The Purpose of the Creation of Human Beings?

16. We did not create the heaven and the earth and all that is between them in play.

17. If We had wished to find pastime, We could have found it in Our Presence - if ever We did.

(Qur'an 21:16-17)

56. I have not created jinn nor men except to worship Me.

57. I seek no livelihood from them, nor do I ask them to feed Me.

58. Behold! Allah is He Who gives livelihood, the Lord of Unbreakable Might.

(Qur'an 51:56-58)

A Question for the Atheist

Suppose that your belief is right (i.e. there is no God), then what are we (who believe in Allah) going to lose after death? But on the other hand what will happen to you if we are right? Nothing but hell. So make your choice wisely either believe in Allah, or stay hopeless in this life without knowing where you came from, where are you going to or why are you in this life.

Perhaps you may live another fifty or sixty years ignoring Allah, then you will return to Him and His Severe Punishment because of your disbelief.

On the contrary, if you believe in Allah and do good, you will return to Him and dwell in Paradise having whatsoever you wish. Whatever be your decision, we have given you the message but it is as Allah has said:

80. Behold! You can not make the dead to hear, nor can you make the deaf to hear the call, when they have turned to flee.

81. Nor can you guide the blind out of their straying. You can make none to hear, except those who believe in Our Revelations, and who have surrendered.

(Qur'an 27:80-81)

Can it Be that the Universe Created Itself?

Virtually every human being has pondered this question. Some answered by saying that the formation of the universe was merely a coincidence. Others felt there must be an unseen Creator. In what will follow, we will try to assist you in answering this question. Our approach will depend primarily on the text of the Qur'an (the Word of Allah (i.e. God), inspired to Prophet Muhammad (saws)). We request only that you open your mind and read.

Allah asks in the Qur'an:

35. Were they created out of nothing? Or were they themselves the creators?

36. Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, but they are sure of nothing!

(Qur'an 52:35-36)

Most deny or ignore the existence of The Creator because they cannot see Him. However, there are many things which we do not see, but yet we believe in their existence. Further, most of us believe in creatures which exist yet undiscovered and undocumented.

Many reject the existence of The Creator, believing only in science and data gathered and confirmed by its canonical methods. But, on any given day, the same person might find himself in love, deep remorse or sadness. And while contriving the most complex and personal thoughts, he does not, at the time, suppose that his feelings are a random product of firing neurons. How can he then believe that the only distinction between a corpse and a living person is the absence of organ functionality. That we need only revive his physical body to restore him to normality.

The Scientific Proof

Let us imagine ourselves standing in a laboratory stocked with beakers and test tubes containing all sorts of chemical compounds. Then suppose an earthquake has just occurred upsetting the shelved vessels, sending their contents spilling onto the laboratory floor. It would be a very strange coincidence indeed to find new life forms generating themselves where none had existed before.

You might say, 'Your analogy didn't account for time - these organisms need time to evolve.' We ask, 'How much time should we have allowed? Was there enough time since the beginning of the universe to allow for their self-induced formation?'

Let's hear from Swiss mathematician Charles Eugene Jai. In an experiment aimed at answering this very question, Jai set out to calculate the probability of the random formation of a single protein molecule. Jai 'helped' the situation by assuming the existence of formative elements, and by selecting a protein consisting of only 2,000 atoms (An average protein might consist of 32,000 atoms or more). Jai also assumed that the protein would consist of only 2 unique formative atoms.

He determined the value of probability by considering the size of the material and the time necessary for the random formation to occur. He calculated that the probability of forming even a simplified protein molecule was approximately 1 in 5 x 10 e+320 !

The size of the material necessary to produce that almost zero probability would have been a sphere with a diameter of approximately 6 x 10 e+176 miles - about 10 e+63 times bigger than the imagined size of the universe. Finally, the time necessary for the molecule to form was 10 e+243 billion years. This was far greater than the supposed age of the universe - only about 2 billion years.

He concluded that the universe was neither old enough, nor big enough to allow for the random formation of even a simple protein molecule. It was impossible for the universe to have created itself, and for life to randomly form. We must then consider another course. There is a Creator who created the universe.

Some Unmistakable Signs of the Creator

Allah said in the Qur'an:

53. We* (Allah) shall show them Our Signs on the horizons and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them that it is the Truth. Is it not sufficient that the Lord is Witness over all things?

(Qur'an 41:53)

* One of the usages of 'we' in Arabic is for glorifying and indicating the greatness of a person. Here it indicates greatness and not plurality.

We live in an amazing universe. It is a universe peculiarly balanced, and purposefully tempered as if to provide a safe host for living creatures.

According to modern astronomers, the universe is expanding. They hold that if gravity had been only slightly stronger, it would have overtaken expansion very early and caused the universe to collapse. Had gravity been slightly weaker, universe expansion would have become a runaway process, not allowing time for the formation of galaxies and stars.

If either of these had occurred, there would never have been an Earth on which creatures could live. This universe seems designed, even meticulously tailored to provide suitable conditions for living. If other basic ratios and constants had been just slightly different, the universe would not have been favourable to our existence.

If, for instance, the strong and weak nuclear forces were slightly stronger relative to the electromagnetic forces, hydrogen would not exist in its ordinary form. This would mean that heavier elements, such as carbon and oxygen - two of the essential building blocks of life - would never have existed.

The strength of gravity is crucial to the existence of life in the universe in another way. If it were weaker, then it could not crush the material in a star the size of the Sun with enough force to ignite its thermonuclear reactions. Only very massive stars would shine, and such stars would probably have too short lifespan to allow for the development of life.

These indications that the universe has been arranged to favour the appearance and survival of life has been taken very seriously by certain scientists. Prominent among them is astronomer Brandon Carter. Modern science estimates that it has taken 4 billion years for human beings to evolve from unicellular life forms. Carter has calculated that the average period for any evolution of this magnitude should take much longer - about 10 billion years. That is longer than the lifespan of a Sun-sized star, and much longer than the period of life-favourable conditions on Earth.

It would seem that intelligent life appeared on Earth despite its high improbability. We are again pulled towards recognizing the Creator.

Signs for the Aware

164. Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of the night and day, and the sailing of ships through the ocean for the profit of mankind, and the water which Allah sends down from the skies, thereby reviving the earth after its death, and dispersing therein all kinds of beasts, and (in) the ordinance of the winds, and the clouds subjugated between heaven and earth: are signs for people who have sense.

(Qur'an 2:164)

The Creation of Heaven and Earth

60. Who has created the heavens and the earth, and Who sends down for you water from the sky? Yea, with it We cause to grow well-planted orchards full of beauty and delight: it never has been yours to cause to grow. Could there be another god besides Allah? Nay, but they are people who swerve from justice.

61. Or, Who has made the earth firm to live in, and placed rivers in its folds, and set upon it immovable mountains, and made a barrier between the two seas (fresh and salt waters)? Could there be another god besides Allah? Nay, most of them know not.

62. Or, Who answers the one distressed when he calls unto Him, and Who relieves the harm, and makes you (mankind) inheritors of the earth? Could there be another god besides Allah? Little do they reflect!

63. Or, Who guides you through the depths of darkness in the land and the sea, and Who sends the winds as heralds of His Mercy? Could there be another god besides Allah? High is Allah above what they ascribe to Him!

64. Or, Who originates creation, then repeats it, and Who gives you sustenance from heaven and earth? Could there be another god besides Allah? Say, " Bring your proof, if you are truthful!"

65. Say: None in the heavens or on earth, except Allah, knows what is hidden. Nor are they able to perceive when they shall be resurrected (for Judgment).

(Qur'an 27:60-65)

9. Allah is He Who sends the winds which push up the clouds. Then He leads them unto a dead land and revive therewith the earth after its death. Such is the Resurrection!

(Qur'an 35:9)

27. Have they not seen that Allah causes water to fall from the sky? Then with it We produce fruit of various colours; and among the hills are streaks white and red, and of various colours, and (others) of raven-black.

28. And so amongst men and beasts and cattle, in like manner, various colours. Verily those who truly fear Allah, among His Servants, are those endued with knowledge, and Allah is Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving.

(Qur'an 35:27-28)

65. Allah sends down water from the sky and therewith revives the earth after its death. Verily in this is a sign for those who listen.

(Qur'an 16:65)

6. Have they not then observed the sky above them, how We have constructed it and beautified it, and how there are no rifts in it?

7. And We have spread out the earth, and have flung firm hills therein, and have caused every lovely thing to grow thereon (in pairs).

8. A vision and a reminder for every repentant servant.

9. And We send down from the sky blessed water whereby We give growth unto gardens and the grain of crops,

10. And lofty date-palms with ranged clusters.

11. Provision (made) for (Allah's) Servants; and therewith We quicken a dead land. Like so will be the resurrection of the dead.

(Qur'an 50:6-11)

2. Allah is He Who raised the heavens without pillars that you can see, then mounted the Throne, and compelled the sun and the moon to be of service (to his Law)! Each runs (its course) unto an appointed term. He regulates all affairs, explaining the revelations, that you may be certain of the meeting with your Lord.

3. And Allah is He who spread out the earth and placed therein firm hills and flowing streams, and of all fruits He placed therein two spouses (male and female). He covered the night with day. Behold! Herein verily are signs for people who take thought.

4. And in the Earth are neighbouring tracts, vineyard and ploughed lands, and palm trees, like and unlike, watered with one water (the same water). And We have made some of them to excel others in fruit. Behold! Herein verily are signs for people who have sense.

(Qur'an 13:2-4)

The Creation of Mankind

12. Verily We created man from a product of wet earth (clay).

13. Then placed him as a drop (of sperm) in a safe lodging.

14. Then We fashioned the drop into a clot, then We fashioned the clot into a little lump, then We fashioned the little lump into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, and then produced it as another creation. So blessed be Allah, the Best of creators!

15. Then Behold! After that you surely will die.

16. Then, on the Day of Resurrection you will be raised (again).

(Qur'an 23:12-16)

78. And Allah brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers knowing nothing, and gave you hearing and sight and hearts that you might give thanks.

(Qur'an 16:78)

19. He brings forth the living from the dead, and He brings forth the dead from the living, and He revives the earth after its death. And like so you will be brought forth (from death).

20. And of His Signs is this: He created you from dust, and then, behold you are human beings, ranging widely!

21. And of His Signs is this: He created for you mates from yourselves that you might find rest in them, and He ordained between you love and mercy. Behold! Herein indeed are Signs for those who reflect.

22. And of His Signs are the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations of your languages and colours. Behold! Herein indeed are signs for those who know.

23. And of His Signs is your sleep by night and by day, and your seeking of His Bounty. Behold! Herein indeed are signs for those who heed.

24. And of His Signs is this: He shows you the lightning for fear and for hope, and sends down water from the sky, and thereby revives the earth after its death. Behold! Herein indeed are signs for those who understand.

(Qur'an 30:19-24)

Signs in the Other Creatures

66. Behold! In the cattle there is a lesson for you. We give you to drink of that which is in their bellies, from between the refuse and the blood, pure milk palatable to the drinkers.

67. And of the fruits of the date-palm, and grapes, you derive strong drink and (also) good food. Behold! Therein is indeed a sign for people who have sense.

68. And the Lord inspired the (female) bee: "Choose your habitations in the hills and in the trees and in that which they (humans) dwell."

69. "Then eat of all fruits, and follow the paths of your Lord (which were) made smooth". There comes forth from their bellies a drink of diverse hues (honey), and wherein is healing for mankind. Behold! Herein is indeed a sign for people who give thought.

(Qur'an 16:66-69)

34. And We have placed therein gardens of the date-palm and grapes, and We have caused springs of water to gush forth therein.

35. That they may eat of the fruit thereof, which their hands did not make. Will they not, then, give thanks?

36. Glory be to Him Who created all the pairs of that which the earth grows, and of themselves, and of that which they know not!

37. And a reminder for them is night. We strip it of the day, and behold! They are in darkness.

38. And the sun runs on unto a resting-place (orbit) for it. That is the measuring of the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.

39. And for the moon We have appointed mansions until it returns like an old shriveled palm-leaf.

40. It is not permitted that the sun catch up to the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day: All float in an orbit.

41. And a reminder for them is that We bear their offspring in laden ship,

42. And We have created for them similar on which they ride.

43. And if We will, We drown them, and there is no help for them, neither can they be saved.

44. Unless by mercy from Us and as comfort for a while.

45. When they are told: Fear that which is before you and that which is behind you, that you may find mercy (they are heedless).

46. Never did a sign come to them (the unbelievers) of the signs of their Lord, but they did turn away from it!

(Qur'an 36:33-46)

Allah, The Creator Subjected the Universe to Human Control

5. And the cattle He has created for you. From them you have warm clothing and uses, and whereof you eat.

6. And wherein is beauty for you, when you bring them home, and when you take them out to pasture.

7. And they carry your loads unto a land you could not reach except with souls distressed. Behold! Your Lord is indeed Most Kind, Most Merciful.

8. And (He has created) horses and mules and donkeys that you may ride them, and for ornament. And He creates that which you know not.

9. And depend on Allah for direction to the Straight Path, but some (paths) go not straight: And had He willed He would have led you all aright (by His Guidance).

10. Allah is He Who sends down water from the sky, from it you have drink, and out of it (grows) the vegetation with which you feed your cattle.

11. Therewith He causes crops to grow for you, and the olive and the date-palm and grapes and fruits of all kinds. Behold! Herein is indeed a sign for people who reflect.

12. And He has constrained the night and the day and the sun and the moon to be of service unto you, and the stars are made subservient by His command. Behold! Herein indeed are signs for people who have sense.

13. And whatsoever He has created for you in the earth of diverse hues, Behold! Therein is indeed a sign for people who take heed.

14. And Allah is He Who has constrained the sea to be of service that you eat thereof flesh that is fresh and tender, and bring forth from it ornaments to wear. And you see the ships plowing therein, that you (mankind) may seek of His bounty and that you may be grateful.

15. And He has cast into the earth firm hills that it quakes not with you, and streams and roads that you may find your way.

16. And landmarks (too), and by the stars they find their ways.

17. Is He then Who creates like one who does not create? Will you not then remember?

18. And if you try to count the favours of Allah you cannot number them. Behold! Allah is indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

(Qur'an 16:5-18)

80. Allah has given you in your houses and abode, and has given you (also), of the hides of cattle, houses which you find light (to carry) on the day of migration and on the day of pitching camp; and of their wool and their fur and their hair, caparison and comfort (to serve you) for a time.

81. And Allah has given you, of that which He has created, shelter from the sun; and has given you places of refuge in the mountains, and has given you coats with which to ward off the heat, and coats (of armour) to save you from your own foolhardiness. Thus He perfects His favour unto you, in order that you may surrender (unto Him).

82. But if they turn away, your duty is only to preach the Clear Message.

83. They (the unbelievers) know the favour of Allah but then deny it. Most of them are ingrates.

(Qur'an 16:80-83)

5. Allah is He Who appointed the sun a splendour and the moon a light, and measured for it stages, that you might know the number of the years, and the count (of time). Allah did not create (all) that but in Truth. He details the revelations for people who have knowledge.

6. Behold! In the difference of day and night and all that Allah has created in the heavens and the earth are portents, for those who fear Him.

(Qur'an 10:5-6)

17. Will they not look at the camels, how they are created?

18. And the heavens, how it is raised?

19. And the hills, how they are fixed firms?

20. And the earth, how it is spread out?

21. Remind them, for you are not but a reminder.

(Qur'an 88:17-21)

The Purpose of the Creation of Human Beings?

16. We did not create the heaven and the earth and all that is between them in play.

17. If We had wished to find pastime, We could have found it in Our Presence - if ever We did.

(Qur'an 21:16-17)

56. I have not created jinn nor men except to worship Me.

57. I seek no livelihood from them, nor do I ask them to feed Me.

58. Behold! Allah is He Who gives livelihood, the Lord of Unbreakable Might.

(Qur'an 51:56-58)

A Question for the Atheist

Suppose that your belief is right (i.e. there is no God), then what are we (who believe in Allah) going to lose after death? But on the other hand what will happen to you if we are right? Nothing but hell. So make your choice wisely either believe in Allah, or stay hopeless in this life without knowing where you came from, where are you going to or why are you in this life.

Perhaps you may live another fifty or sixty years ignoring Allah, then you will return to Him and His Severe Punishment because of your disbelief.

On the contrary, if you believe in Allah and do good, you will return to Him and dwell in Paradise having whatsoever you wish. Whatever be your decision, we have given you the message but it is as Allah has said:

80. Behold! You can not make the dead to hear, nor can you make the deaf to hear the call, when they have turned to flee.

81. Nor can you guide the blind out of their straying. You can make none to hear, except those who believe in Our Revelations, and who have surrendered.

(Qur'an 27:80-81)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Pak Uda 'Zami Ismail' meninggal di IJN pagi tadi.

ALFATIHAH, untuk arwah Pak Uda, nama yang cukup dikenali selain dari nama sebenar beliau, Zami Ismail. "Alif hadapan UU Da di atas Daa", itulah gaya beliau mengeja nama beliau dalam sitkom lama, Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang tu. Aku sangat menyenangi beliau kerana beliau menjadikan lakonan sebagai pekerjaan yang mulia, jauh dari kontroversi seperti pelakon2 baru skang ni.

Aku mmg sejak dari kecik lg minat sitkom ni, malahan sampai skang masih lyn di astro warna. Keluarga Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tu sebenarnya telah kehilangan anggota pertama iaitu Maidin, peniaga warung sekitar 90 an dulu. Kemudian warung tu diambil alih oleh Pak Busu. Selepas sitkom ini dihentikan, tidak berapa lama kemudian Pak Busu pula meninggal dunia kerana kencing manis. Tahun ini, anggota ketiga iaiatu arwah pak uda, semoga mereka diletakkan dikalangan orang yang beriman, amin.

Terima kasih Pak Uda kerana telah banyak membuat kami ketawa dengan lawak beliau, i luv u so much!!! Al Fatihah.


Pelakon komedi Zami Ismail, 67, yang sinonim dengan panggilan "Pak Uda" dalam sitcom "Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tu" meninggal dunia pagi ini di Institut Jantung Negara (IJN).

Anak kedua Allahyarham, Ahmad Yamashita, 25, berkata ayahnya meninggal pada jam 10.30 pagi selepas seminggu dimasukkan ke IJN ekoran masalah jantung.

Bulan lepas Allahyarham menerima rawatan di Hospital Ampang.

Ahmad Yamashita berkata ayahnya pernah berpesan supaya beliau dikebumikan di tempat kelahirannya di Tapah Road, Perak sekiranya beliau meninggal dunia.

"Sebagai memenuhi permintaan itu, jenazah ayah akan dibawa ke Tapah Road untuk dikebumikan di tanah perkuburan di sana selepas solat Asar," katanya kepada Bernama di rumah mayat IJN.

Allahyarham meninggalkan isteri Hanizan Ibrahim serta sembilan orang anak termasuk pelakon Mohd Saopi atau dikenali sebagai Opie dan pengarah filem dan drama Mohd Latiff atau Hitler.

Opie ketika ditemui menyifatkan ayahnya sebagai seorang yang tekun dan komited dalam setiap tugas yang diberikan kepadanya sehingga sanggup ke lokasi penggambaraan walaupun ketika itu beliau kurang sihat.

"Saya dan adik-beradik yang lain pernah melarang ayah pergi ke lokasi penggambaraan, namun ayah tetap pergi secara senyap-senyap tanpa pengetahuan kami," katanya.

Presiden Karyawan Datuk Freddie Fernandez yang turut berada di IJN berkata beliau amat terkejut mendengar berita kematian Allahyarham dan menyifatkannya sebagai satu kehilangan besar dalam dunia seni hiburan tanah air.

"Sepatutnya beliau (Zami) akan dijemput sebagai tetamu untuk rancangan Pesta Lawak pada Ahad depan (26 Jun). Namun setelah pemergiannya kita tetap akan mengadakan malam penghargaan untuk beliau," katanya.

Pengarah filem dan drama, Othman Hafsham pula berkata watak Pak Uda yang dilakonkan Allahyarham adalah tunggak kepada sitcom "Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tu" sekitar 1980-an yang menjadi siri sitcom yang diminati ramai penonton selama 18 tahun.

Allahyarham turut berlakon hampir 20 buah filem termasuk dua filem yang belum ditayangkan iaitu "Husin Mon Dan Jin Pakai Toncit" dan "Shh… Dia Datang".

Zami pernah memenangi anugerah Pelakon Komedi Terbaik dalam Festival Filem Malaysia Ke-9 pada tahun 1991.

Puting Beliung di Mersing

Angin kencang selama 10 minit turut rosakkan khemah peniaga

Oleh Ikhwan Muhammad
MERSING: “Saya hanya mampu berdoa agar puting beliung itu tidak menghala ke arah kami yang sedang berniaga kerana ngeri mengenangkan ribut memusnahkan Bazar Ramadan Melaka tahun lalu yang mengorbankan beberapa mangsa. "Doa kami dimakbulkan apabila puting beliung itu menghala ke arah Teluk Buih, tetapi tempiasnya saja sudah cukup untuk merosakkan beberapa gerai di sini,” kata Rosli Derani, 42, peniaga pasar lambak Jalan Makam, di sini. Katanya, ketika kejadian kira-kira jam 3.30 petang kelmarin itu, dia yang berniaga sup tulang dapat melihat dengan jelas pusaran angin bergerak menghala ke Teluk Buih sambil tempiasnya terasa sehingga ke kawasan perniagaan itu.

Walaupun puting beliung yang dilihat bermula dari Pulau Setindan berhampiran Pantai Teluk Buih itu tidak menghala ke pasar lambak, tempiasnya sudah cukup menyebabkan hampir 10 khemah peniaga rosak bersama puluhan bot gentian kaca milik nelayan yang diterbangkan angin.

Kejadian berterusan kira-kira 10 minit itu adalah yang kedua dalam tempoh seminggu di daerah ini dan menggemparkan penduduk sekitar Kampung Air Papan dan Teluk Buih. Walaupun tiada kemalangan jiwa, sekurang-kurangnya empat bot nelayan musnah dan bumbung jeti pangkalan Teluk Buih diterbangkan angin kencang.

Pengunjung dari Kluang, Muslim Abdullah, 46, berkata ketika kejadian beliau yang berada di atas jeti sempat menyelamatkan diri dengan berlindung di kawasan selamat manakala orang ramai di sekitar pantai bertempiaran lari mencari perlindungan dalam keadaan bot gentian kaca berterbangan dibawa angin kencang.

“Bot yang berat itu mampu diterbangkan angin bagaikan kertas yang melayang sebelum jatuh menghempap jeti. Syukur saya dan anak terselamat... kalau terperangkap dalam pusaran angin itu, sukar untuk digambarkan nasib kami," katanya.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Beza Lelaki & Wanita - Ramai Wanita Bertanya dan Seorang Lelaki Menjawab!

Kaum feminin cakap “susah jadi wanita”, mereka telah digoda dan diperdaya oleh syaitan dan hawa nafsunya sendiri, seperti yang kita lihat dialog dibawah, bagaikan mempersoalkan ketentuan Allah terhadap mereka. Dengan kata lain yang agak kasar, Allah berat sebelah pada kaum wanita.

1.“Aduh, situ tutup, sini tutup. Susah la gini. Apasal laki-laki mudah saja. Tak pakai baju pun takpe. Perempuan auratnya lagi banyak.”
2.“Kenapa la kita para isteri ni nak keluar kena minta izin dari suami kita, padahal suami kita nak keluar kemana-mana pun tak bagitau kita takpe pulak.”
3.“Jika kita ikut faraid dalam hal pusaka, rugilah kita. Sebab bahagian harta pusaka perempuan lagi sedikit berbanding harta yang anak lelaki dapat. Kami mahu keadilan!”
4.“Kenapa Allah jadikan wanita mengandung dan rasa sakitnya nak melahirkan anak. Suami kita rileks saja? Masa buat anak carilah kita, masa nak beranak kita tanggung sendiri!”
5.“Islam kata kita perempuan wajib taat pada suami, tapi ada islam cakap suami perlu taat pada isterinya? Mana keadilan pada kaum hawa?”
6.“Bila nak cerai je, suami yang boleh jatuhkan talak. Kenapa isteri tak bolek ceraikan suaminya? Kenapa?”
7.“Wanita takleh nak beribadat macam lelaki, sebab bila kita ada haid dan nifas, takleh nak solat dan puasa. Ingat perempuan ni suka ke tak solat dan puasa?”.

Dan kemudian datanglah pertubuhan dan organisasi yang membela kaum wanita, dan menuntut hak samarata antara gender, mengekploitasi fahaman wanita yang terjejas akidahnya dek kerana disogok pertanyaan. Kaum lelaki pula cakap, “Ah, mujur aku ni lelaki!”

Tunggu..! Istigfarlah pada wanita yang ada perasaan seperti di atas. Mujur ada seorang lelaki yang bukanlah seorang ustaz namun amat yakin bahawa Allah itu Maha Adil. Dia tidak mampu menuturkan sabda Rasulullah s.a.w dan petikan dari ayat Al-Quran, namun dengan keimanan dan ilmu sedikit yang dia ada diolah untuk menjawab soalan-soalan melampau itu.

1.“Cik adik, Islam lah yang mengangkat aurat wanita. Benda yang mahal harganya akan dijaga dan dibelai serta disimpan ditempat yang teraman dan terbaik. Awak ada emas dan permata, adakah awak nak letak terdedah ditepi laluan lalu lalang atau disimpan dirumah agar tiada siapa melihat perhiasan itu? Ok, jika awak letakkan perhiasan tadi dikalangan orang, agaknya apa akan jadi dengan barang perhiasan tadi? Lelaki, yang utama hanyalah bawah pusat ke lutut tapi awak? Saya tidak dapat melihat kulit anda pun kecuali muka dan tangan! Awak tak mungkin akan terangsang nafsu tengok saya hanya berseluar pendek ke lutut? Jangankan saya, tapi tok imam akan tercabut serbannya jika tengok awak hanya pakai seluar pendek!”

2.“Ok, isteri perlu taat pada suami. Jadi, lelaki apa? Suami perlu wajib taat juga kepada ibunya tiga kali lebih utama dari ayahnya, walaupun di sudah berkeluarga. Isteri tidak perlu lagi, taatnya hanya pada suami. Kenapa awak perlu taat pada suami? Kerana suami kalian lah yang menanggung dosa yang kalian lakukan!”

3.“Betul ke wanita menerima warisan pusaka lagi sedikit daripada lelaki? Tapi kan, harta itu memang hak untuk wanita itu dan dia berhak lakukan apa saja yang dia mahu. Shh.. jangan kongsi dengan sape-sape walaupun suami. Tak kesian pada lelaki ke, dia perlu membahagikan harta pusaka itu kepada isteri dan anak-anaknya. Kalo isteri dia ramai, anak dia ramai, harta pulak secebis, tak merasa lah jawabnya!”

4.“Tahniah la sebab awak dapat mengandung dan melahirkan. Setiap kali awak begitu, wanita itu didoakan oleh sekalian makhluk dan malaikat! Beruntungnya awak! Andaikan awak meninggal pula masa beranak tu, percayalah… itu mati syahid dan ganjarannya syurga. Ya, syurga menanti awak! Sebab tu tak ramai orang wanita meninggal masa melahirkan, malah beranak 15 kali pun sihat sampai ke tua!”

5.“Akhirat nanti, saya dan lelaki lain didunia ini akan diminta bertanggungjawab keatas empat jenis wanita. Siapa? Mereka ialah isteri saya, ibu saya, anak perempuan saya dan adik perempuan saya. Tahu maksudnya? Awak nanti di akhirat, awak akan dibantu oleh empat lelaki! Siapa mereka? Mereka ialah suami, ayah, adik atau abang malah anak lelaki awak!”

6.“Nak beribadat macam lelaki? Ingat mudah ke nak dapat syurga? Sedarlah, awak sebagai wanita boleh masuk sebarang pintu syurga yang awak sukai. Ya, dah la syurga, ada pilihan pula hanya dengan empat cara. Apa itu? Solat lima waktu, berpuasa bulan Ramadhan, menjaga kehormatan dan tahu apa satu lagi? Taat pada suami awak. Itu saja asasnya!”

7.“Saya, seorang lelaki wajib berjihad fisabilillah. Awak, seorang wanita jika taat akan suaminya,dan menunaikan tanggungjawabnya kepada Allah, maka awak akan turut menerima pahala setara seperti pahala orang pergi berjihad fisabilillah tanpa perlu mengangkat senjata!”

“Sebenarnya, apa lagi yang awak mahu, wahai kaum hawa?”
Lantas, wanita-wanita tadi menangis dan berkata;
“MasyaAllah, demikian sayangnya Allah pada wanita, namun kami sendiri yang mengheret diri ke neraka yang mana ramainya kaum kami berbanding kaum lelaki!”
Demikianlah dialog wanita-wanita yang curiga itu dengan seorang lelaki biasa namun beriman. Ingat firmanNya, bahawa mereka tidak akan berhenti melakukan segala upaya, sampai kita ikut dan tunduk kepada cara-cara dan peraturan yang dipromosikan dan diperjuangkan itu.

Sebagai Zat yang Maha Pencipta, yang menciptakan kita, maka sudah pasti Dia yang Maha Tahu pada manusia, sehingga segala hukumNya malah peraturanNya, tentulah yang terbaik bagi manusia dibandingkan dengan segala peraturan yang dicipta manusia.

Wahai lelaki, jagalah isterimu kerana dia perhiasan, pakaian dan ladangmu, sebagaimana Rasulullah s.a.w pernah mengajarkan agar kaum lelaki berbuat baik selalu (lembut) terhadap isteri anda sekalian.

Adalah sabda Rasulullah s.a.w bahawa ketika lelaki memiliki dua atau lebih anak perempuan, mampu menjaga dan menjadikannya muslimah yang baik, maka syurga adalah jaminannya.
Berbahagialah wahai para muslimah. Tunaikan dan menegakkan agamamu, nescaya syurga menanti!

Lelaki Tidak Pernah Cuba Untuk Menjadi Seperti Seth Tan?

Demam Nora Elena belum habis. Malahan makin panas dikalangan blogger sehingga membawa link puan ahkak merata di FB. Yang lucunya, entry yang lucu tiba-tiba menjadi seperti serius. Ada yang menghentam entry tu seolah-olah surat itu mmg akan diposkan kepada TV3. Takkan ayat mcm tu nak hantar btol2 kot. Adoiii pening pala hotok aku. Yang membantah seolah-olah marah kerana mungkin mereka mendambakan lelaki seperti Seth Tan? Mungkin mereka belum puas mendapat layanan daripada suami masing2. Tapi pernah terfikir ke antara realiti dan fantasi?

Bila aku sebut pasal cerita Nora Elena,ramai wanita yang akan soal aku balik dengan ayat yang hampir sama.

"Lelaki tidak pernah cuba untuk menjadi seperti Seth Tan"

Aku nak tanya balik, jika wanita begitu mendambakan lelaki seperti Seth Tan, "Ada ke wanita yang cuba untuk menjadi seperti Fatimah atau Mutiah, atau seperti Natasha :p ?"

Wanita sentiasa dambakan lelaki yang romantik seperti dalam TV/wayang. Tapi takkah terfikir semua yang dalam TV itu hanya mengikut skrip, fatamorgana bukan realiti. Setelah skrip disiapkan, skrip itu akan direview supaya permulaan, tengah dan ending cerita haruslah dramatik. Bermakna ia bukan berdasarkan realiti. Setiap perbuatan manusia adalah mengikut keadaan, masa, situasi, mood semasa dan keadaanya. Hari ni bergaduh bagai, bertengking sana sini esoknya nak dapat bunga ros merah mcm biase? kemonnnn, back to reality la.

Watak Aaron sama ke mcm kt luar? Watak Hugh Grant (Notting Hill) sama ke kat luar, bukan ke mamat tu baham pelacur negro dlm kete sampai bercerai berai? Fasha Sandha (meowww) sama ke watak Natasha dgn cite dia kt luar? Imuda/apek kelakar ke kt luar, nampak serius je, Richard Gere (Pretty Woman) sama ke dgn watak dia kt luar? Sama ke Di Caprio (Titanic) dgn kt luar? Ben Affleck same ke kt luar dgn mase nk naik roket g bom asteroid? Adam Sandler buat benda yg same ke kt luar mcm 50 First Date tu?

Ya,kajian memang betul bahwe rakyat Melayu Malaysia bukan dari golongan yang romantik berbanding bangsa Eropah. Contoh nyata, pernah kita tengok pasangan tua umur 70 80 an berpegangan tangan seperti baru kahwin berjalan sana sini seperti mat salleh? Tapi kemon la, ada juga mat salleh yang tak mcm tu. Ada yang tak serius dlm hubungan, anak 3 4 pun belum tentu nak kawin dan hidup bsama sampai tua. Kerana apa? Sebab kalo kahwin, bercerai alamat harta kena bahagi2 la, lgpun kalo berpisah, mereka dah bersedia utk pompuan lain.

Romantik adalah perkara yg subjektif. Kdg2 sesetengah org, suami yg tolong lipat kain, sidai baju atau kemas rumah sudah dianggap romantik. Kalo rumah bersepai, bantal dah hitam mcm kena kiwi kasut tapi hari-hari bagi bunga ros, romantik menate gapo gitu. Keliling rumah mcm rumah dah kena tnggal 20 thn, tp kt dlm rumah siap bg cokelat hersyey dgn dinner berlilin bagai, romantik nate apo gitu. Mlm ni kate suami pondan, esok nk suami bunga ros lg?

Hurmmm padan-padanlah dgn cerita Nora Elena, harap ini last cerita pasal citer tak logik tu, Lelaki Perogol Bawah Pokok Pisang Bajet Lelaki Idaman Wanita Malaysia.

"Jangan mengharapkan suami seperti Ali jika anda tidak seperti Fatimah"

Nora Elena Mati Dalam Episod Terakhir, Ending Tak Sama Seperti Novel.

Mungkin sebab hati kami jantan, jadi apabila drama bertajuk ayu-ayu macam Nora Elena ni, kurang sikit nak follow. Namun, fenomena Nora Elena seakan sebati dengan wanita-wanita yang mengimpikan suami romantik seperti Seth Tan (lakonan Aaron Aziz), yang berkemungkinan besar kurang mendapat kasih sayang daripada suami sendiri. LOL!

Seorang blogger, Falihin Jasmy memberikan pendapat yang menarik mengenai Nora Elena yang akan berakhir, hari ini. Menurutnya, ada kejutan yang dilakukan oleh pihak produksi dengan menukar ending cerita Nora Elena untuk memberikan impak yang lebih mendalam kepada rakyat Malaysia! Biar kasi leleh air mata! Pendek kata, Nora Elena akan mati di akhir cerita!

Persoalannya, bagaimanakah Nora Elena akan mati? Falihin Jasmy mengeluarkan beberapa teori yang boleh diterima akal :

1.Nora Elena dibunuh dengan kejam oleh Yvone yang berkomplot dengan suami si Nilawati, Khairul si kaki pukul.

2.Eid kembali ke tanah air untuk membalas dendam kesumat dengan menembak Seth Tan. Malangnya, Nora Elena yang terkena peluru tersebut ketika cuba menyelamatkan suaminya, tragis sungguh!

3.Nora Elena meninggal dunia kerana ketika melahirkan anaknya dan Seth Tan memberikan nama anaknya juga Nora Elena untuk memperingati isterinya yang tercinta. Akhirnya, Seth Tan bahagia dengan Nora Elena, iaitu anaknya buat selamanya.

Yang pasti, ending Nora Elena tidak akan sama dengan jalan cerita di novel untuk memberikan tahap saspen tertinggi kepada penonton setia. Fakta yang menarik, menurut, Nora Elena berjaya menarik jumlah penonton yang ramai kerana kekuatan jalan ceritanya & nak tengok muka Aaron Aziz yang hensem, opps!

Jumlah tontonan untuk episod 1 hingga 18 sudah mencecah 800,000 di, sementara episod 16 saja mampu menarik 80,000 tontonan.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lakonan Palsu Terbaik di MRSM

Tahun 1993 adalah tahun yang sangat bermakna dalam hidup aku, sebabnya? Anak Kg Pemanok dapat masuk MRSM. Zaman tu sangat jarang la dengar berita sedemikian, sekarang tak dah, berlambak masuk MRSM hahaha. Adik aku pun dapat, yang bongsu dapat SBPI Selandar, Melaka.

MRSMPT ketika tu belum ada bangunan sendiri, pentadbiran dan kelas menyewa bangunan 2 tingkat. Asrama pulak menyewa rumah teres, maknanya tak merasa dok asrama penuh pun, bebas gak la. Form 2 tu baru merasa kawasan sendiri bila bangunan sendiri siap sepenuhnya.

Semasa di asrama lama aku ketua asrama bagi rumah apa ntah nama. Ada dalam 3 bilik, dalam bilik ada 2 katil 2 tingkat. Nak bangga pun tak jadi ketua asrama, banyak keje pun ada jugak, tapi itu ler kali pertama merasa pegang tanggungjawab. Antara ahli rumah tu ialah Roslan Latif/Mustapha, Samsul Jusoh, Amir Kandis, Azmi dan Fadzir. Yang lain-lain aku tak ingat.

Antara kisah lucu kat situ standard la, kalo dah tido dengan kain sarung, awal-awal pagi boleh tgk free show walaupun bukan nak tgk sgt, TERtengok.Tetibe kain sarung jadi kain selimut, atas tutup, bawah buka hehehe. Belakang umah tempah basuh pakaian, mmm memang selalu kena jerkah jirang belakang ler, bising yang amat. "Dok diam gok, anok aku nk tido ni". Antara paling tak best, citer-citer hantu. Adoiiii, bunyi flush tandas pun abis lari ingat antu.

Tapi bukan tu yang aku nak citer, citer ni pada mulanya agak panik, memang kami panik giler. Satu hari, ramai lepak bilik aku kat belakang. Tengah syok berbual tetiba bunyi kerusi jatuh kat bilik sebelah. GEDEGANG!!!!! Kami kuar beramai-ramai, tgk ada sorang member terbaring, kerusi sebelah dia terbalik, dahi berdarah!!!!

Kami panik, kejutkan member tu tak bangun2, ahhhh sudah. Aku terus report kat cikgu asrama, dah tak sedar jugak, kami bawak spital. Selang beberapa lama, cikgu cakap dia dapat MC, soh rehat kat kg dia takut ada gegaran kat kepala. Rupanya dia jatuh atas kusi masa nak amik sumthg atas almari dia. So, dapat la member tu berehat kat kg. Aku rase kejadian tu yang paling buatkan aku panik, selain dari cerita hantu dan budak2 pompuan histeria.

Kemudian, aku tak ingat dah, sama ada tahun tu jugak atau dah Form 3. Sebab Form 3 dah banyak yang mengaku cerita-cerita merapu yang dulunya kami percaya hidup2. Cerita nak bawak aku gi Hawaii la, aku siap mintak kebenaran abah aku nak g Hawai, abah senyum, dia tunjuk slip bank masa melawat kat asrama. Aku tgk, baki akaun abah ada beberapa ratus sahaja,mmm gelap gelita la harapan aku nk merase oversea. Last2, CISSS kena kencing. Rupanya berlakon anak kaya hahaha, aku tak salahkan dia, alah budak2, tanak merase down depan kawan2.

Berbalik kepada cerita tadi, akhirnya satu hari member aku tadi mengaku. Dia berlakon je jatuh kerusi, mula2 dia toreh dahi dia dengan kunci sampai berdarah. Pastu dia jatuhkan kusi kuat2 supaya kami dapat dengar dari bilik sebelah. Kenapa??? Sebab dia tgh homesick, nak balik kg rindu katanya, so dia plan filem box office tu sorang2. Dgr je aku gelak kuat2 sambil menyumpah2. x sangka, sampai mcm tu skali dia berlakon semata-mata nak balik kg, bukan jauh pun kg dia hahaha.

Aku tak marah pun dia, alah budak2, pk pun mesti budak2. Tapi kalo skang dia buat, smpai mampus aku tak percaye dah. nama beliau dirahsiakan... saje rase nka berkongsi cerita lucu zaman dolu2.

Singapura Bina Pusat Hiburan Atas Angin

Pada 24 Jun di Sinpgapura akan dibuka Pusat Hiburan yang bakal menjadi 'Wonder of the World'. Sky Park Marina Bays terletak 200 meter di atas bumbung 3 bangunan pencakar langit yang akan menjadi mercu tanda baru Singapura. Ini adalah pembangunan paling mahal yang akan menempatkan kasino, restoran, kolam renang terbuka, muzium kesenian dan banyak lagi.

Klik sini:

p/s molek juga, kaki judi semua boleh pindah sana. Tak payah nak menyemak kat Genting Highland dah. Syuhh syuhhh.

Fundamental Kahwin Pun Penuh Dosa,Macam Mana Nak Tarik Isteri Masuk Syurga?

Fundamental Kahwin Pun Penuh Dosa,Macam Mana Nak Tarik Isteri Masuk Syurga?

Bagaimana kita nak bahagia kalau ikatan perkahwinan kita sejak mula lagi dipenuhi dengan benda2 yang sesat dan salah?Kat bawah ni aku senaraikan benda2 yang aku nampak (dan ada yang aku dah terbuat) yang jelas salah dari segi permintaan agama.

1. Bab balas membalas hantaran

Lelaki bagi 3,perempuan kena bagi 5.Lelaki bagi 7,perempuan kena bagi 9...perempuan mesti bagi lebih.Apa benda tu?Mana datangnya kepercayaan sesat dan karut ni?Kalau nak bagi hadiah,bagi,kalau mampu bagi banyak,bagi..tak mampu jangan paksa.Jangan sampai satu pihak terpaksa buat loan bank semata-mata nak penuhi syarat sesat camni.Ikut kepercayaan bodoh orang Melayu..nombor genap memberikan nasib yang tidak elok,sebab tu pakai nombor ganjil...bodooooo...jangan ikut.Kalau mampu 4,bagi empat.Kalau mampu bagi 28,bagi 28.

2. Duit hantaran

Makin tinggi pendidikan anak gadis,makin mahal lah hantaran yang perlu dibayar.Ini selalunya golongan mak2 lah yang kisah benar,tak nak malu dengan orang kampung.Siap banding-banding lagi..tak nak kalah dengan jiran.Yang bapaknya selalu tak kisah..tapi mak dialah yang selalu menang argument tu.Benda ni hadiah aje....kalau bakal pengantin lelaki kata "saya tak nak bagi la sebab takde pun dalam rukun nikah.." camne? Nak tuduh dia kurang ajar tak boleh...........dia betul.

3. Sebelum kahwin dah membazir

Di sini lah selalunya yang paling obvious.Selalunya yang terbeban,mak bapak atau bakal suami.Anak perempuan mintak kenduri dia grand-grand,nak kena ada itu ini,nak kena jadi macam puteri raja.Kalau mak bapak dia jenis orang susah,selalunya parents akan guna duit hantaran untuk buat kenduri. Kalau duit tak cukup,beban dah jatuh dekat bakal suami.Semua sebab nak pastikan majlis tu gilang gemilang.Bakal suami pun terpaksa la bekerja keras siang-siang dan jual burger malam-malam...kerja macam orang gila setahun dua....hasilnya pakai untuk sehari,dua hari...lepas kahwin,rumah sewa...peti ais pun tak ada.

4. Bersanding

Dan berbanggalah sang suami mempamerkan isterinya yang sudah jadi hak miliknya kepada semua tetamu,lihatlah isteriku,lihatlah dia,cantikkan dia?Dia milik aku kini,kecantikannya bukan hanya untuk aku seorang...gembiranya aku kerana dapat berkongsi kecantikan isteri ku bersama kalian semua.

5. Merenjis dan bertepung tawar

Ini budaya agama Hindu.... jangan sesekali buat.Menghampiri syirik benda ni sebab tujuan asal dia adalah sebuah cleansing ceremony untuk orang Hindu.

6. Berinai di lengan

Nak pakai inai..pakai..tapi hanya boleh dihujung jari.Itu aje boleh ikut agama.Yang kau pegi buat corak-corak kerawang,corak daun,corak batik sampai dekat lengan tu apa pasal?Berdosa tu sebab anda cuba menyerupai budaya agama Hindu lagi sekali.Keperluan agama dia,biar dia buat..kita jangan amalkan.

7. Karaoke

Majlis kahwin mana tak sah kalau takde karaoke.Yang lagi best,DJ panggil pengantin suruh nyanyi...tambah lagi kesalahan kat situ.Aku ada tulis respon komen..."Perempuan baca Al-Quran dekat Tilawah suara merdu lunak2 pun haram ni lagi la nak menyanyi.."

8. Cukur kening

Kalau gadis2 yang selama ni tak pernah cukur kening,ni lah masanya dia kena decide...nak jadi lagi lawa dan tambah dosa atau nak maintain macam biasa dan tak nak dosa.Kebanyakannya anggap ni lah masanya dia nak wajah dia jadi perfect,jadi merelakanlah kening dicukur oleh tukang make up pondan.Disentuh lelaki tak kiralah dia pondan ke tidak..tu dah jadi satu lagi benda salah.

9. Baju ketat dan berkain jarang

Baju kahwin nampak macam dah tutup aurat..tapi tengok betul2 eh,ketat..nampak cutting badan.Tengok lama2 sket lagi...aiseh..nampak lengan...padahal sebelum tu tak pernah pun pakai baju yang nampak lengan.Kahwin punya pasal...takdehal...sehari aje....bukan selalu...esok tutup la balik lengan.Trend punya pasal...kalau kau pegi kedai,tanya ada tak baju2 yang longgar,tak ikut shape..jawapan dia mudah,"Eh!Tak lawa la baju camtu dik! Kahwin ni kena cantik2!" Cerita benar.....aku dah kena.....Baju longgar = Tak cantik...Melayu punya otak...

10. Perhiasan lelaki

Kalau tengok baju songket,mesti ada rantai2 dan tah hapa2 benda lagi tah yang kena pakai.Apa relevannya keris,rantai dan tengkolok dengan majlis perkawinan ikut upacara Islam?
Apa pasal bila kahwin lelaki kena pakai rantai?

11. Budaya photographer

Aku dah tulis pasal budaya pre-wedding dulu.Kali ni,aku hanya nak sebut sikit aje...aku jarang jumpa photographer perempuan,kecuali seorang dua yang famous.Jadi bila aku belek2 sample album wedding yang member aku buat (aku ramai kawan yang buat benda ni) mesti ada shot tengah make up.Tengah tak pakai tudung.Bila aku tanya member aku,"macam mana groom dia bagi kau masuk ambik gambar bride tengah make up?" Member aku kata pengantin lelaki selamba aje bagi permission.Aku yang tengok album tu dah kongsi salah,photographer tu dah kongsi..yang tanggung beratnya,suami tadi la.Dia bagi...itupun kalau dah nikah.Kalau tak nikah lagi?Abah kau lah tanggung.

12. Budaya proposal

Aku tengok sekarang makin ramai orang Melayu yang dok terikut-ikut style orang putih buat proposal dekat gelfren.Kalau jadi depan aku masa aku tengah makan,aku baling dengan gelas kalau kau Melayu.Kita mana ada proposal2 ni...kau nak tanya bapak dia.Bapak dia kata ok,baru kau tanya dia,"Will U marry me?"

13. Upacara membatalkan air semayang

Apakah relevannya?Tunjuk dekat public supaya orang ramai tengok "oohh...tengok la tengok,aku nak sentuh tangan isteri aku first time ni..tengok tengok la.." ....itupun kalau first time pegang la.....kalau dah biasa pegang2...."ooh..tengok la..tengok la...aku takde rasa apa2 pun pegang tangan wife aku ni sebab sebelum ni dah biasa pegang...kagum la....snap la gambar kitorang tengah berlakon suci ni..."


Masyarakat kita sekarang,adat dengan adab tu dah bercampur gaul,sampai tak tau apa beza dia,mana satu kena ikut,mana satu kena tinggal.Kadang-kadang oleh kerana restrictions adat Melayu yang karut dan tahyul tu la yang menyusahkan pasangan Islam ni nak kahwin.Daripada simple,jadi complicated,daripada sangat affordable...jadi sesuatu yang membebankan pasangan sehingga ke hari tua.

Semua pasangan yang dah berkahwin pasti nak tak nak ada jugak terpikul beban kesalahan ikut senarai di atas,sama ada dari segi material atau dari segi spiritual.

Macam mana kita tak bercerai berai kalau sejak dari mula kita kahwin,kita dah mulakan dengan buat bermacam jenis benda yang go against agama?Sebelum kita terlambat...apa kata kita cuba tinggalkan benda2 karut marut ni dan buat apa yang perlu dan wajib sahaja.

Bagus anak perempuan bersuami cepat
Daripada dok berdating merata tempat.
Karang ada budak lelaki rembat,
Baru gelabah seluar anak jadi sendat

Sambutlah menantu sekadar mampu,
Agar bahagia ke anak cucu,
Macam mana laki kau tak jadi kutu?
Beribu habis dapatnya hantu

Yang laki pulak terikut setan
Belum kahwin dah bengong setandan
Selalu sangat layan 3GP Melayu
Bakal mertua dipanggil "daddyku!"

Kita ada peluang nak membetulkan kesilapan mak bapak,datuk nenek kita.
Gunakanlah peluang tu sebaiknya.
Aku tau apa yang aku tulis ni ada orang yang tak peduli
langsung sebab ada istilah orang putih

"Whatever the bride wants,she gets it.."

....tapi kita bukan orang putih.

Orang putih banyak duit.Gaji $2500 kereta $12,000.
Orang kita gaji RM2500,kereta RM48,000.
